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Member Since:Dec 30, 2003
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Education: BBA
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New Age Spiritualism?
Reviewed Celestine Prophecy, The - James Redfield
This was one of those books I did not intentionally choose to read, but just read it because it was available. Simply put, the book reeks of “new age sRead more...
Imagination Galore
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J K Rowling
JK Rowling keeps out doing herself. I’m usually wary of books surrounded by too much hype, but this one lives up to it all. I’ve just read the enRead more...
The Kazaa Concept
Reviewed KaZaa
First and fore most, I’m no techie so I wont get into the peer-to-peer (almost) perfection on Kazaa. I use Kazaa mainly to find music. The Kazaa concepRead more...
Not for the Indian
Reviewed God Of Small Things, The - Arundhati Roy
This is one book that is definitely not for the regular Indian reader. For the Indian the book is much too “regular”, she writes about rivers andRead more...
Serves it purpose
Reviewed Elizabeth Arden Green Tea
This first time I caught a whiff of Green Tea was at a party and it was sprayed at the end of a piece of cardboard. Lets just say, that’s when I fell inRead more...
Pretty good
Reviewed Nandos Peri Peri - Mumbai Central - Mumbai
Had been to Nandos recently ...loved the ambiance. It’s a nice, warm and cozy place , the food is good too….nothing complicated. …simple and good...good food,Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on wear_your_glasses's review
hi Moh'd read your reuv coz u read mine, and hey, I like what I read...going by your profile..for an 8th grader..your good!!! keep it coming!!
Rated on aadiengineer's review
Commented on premjit's review
well, if anything, while the movie was the essence of stupidity, you review made some real fun reading...dont you think the director should get a link to this page?
Commented on rishabhdev's review
'stupidest' ( cant think of any other word at the moment) movie i've seen this month... makes one wonder why the censor board doesnt have an 'intelligence level' for movies
Rated on tusharp's review
Rated on arun_carvalho's review
Rated on stuhancock's review
Rated on khandekarmanish's review
Commented on cric_craz11's review
Hi, I had read this book a couple of yrs ago, and it didnt make any sense. However, I recently discovered www.aynrand.org and the book finally made sense. A very unique piece, I agree.
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Rated on whitemagpie's review
Rated on wontshutmymouth's review
Rated on fountainhead_23's review
Rated on Chimera's review
Rated on smitra's review
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Rated on iyernarayan's review
Rated on kalil.rahman's review
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