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Member Since:Jan 03, 2005
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Education: MBA
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Old Wine in Spirtual Bottle
Reviewed Thiruvasakam - Illayaraja
Before I give my View let me admit a fact that Iam a die hard fan of Mastero Illayaraja. The expectation with which I bough this CD busted as soon as listeniRead more...
Dissection of Disaster
Reviewed Mumbai Monsoon Disaster 2005
Its almost a month after the disaster and feel its a right time to do a dissection of why, how & what of this great disaster mainly to get a solution on how wRead more...
If you are Smart You will buy Wagon-R
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
I too like many thought that the slogan Wagon -R for Smart people is only a Add tag line from MUL to attract. But With my experienceRead more...
ICICI credit Card - The best way to pay
Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
I have been using the Credit Card for last 10 years. The best thing about the same is so far in my 6 years I have never paid any late fee or interest on outstRead more...
TOI - Bad influence on youngster
Reviewed The Times Of India
I Agree with most of the views expressed in this coloumn. I like to put forth my views based on certain facts which we all will agree. Anything & everything Read more...
Reviewed Toyota Innova
Innova can be best summarized as the best Taxi for long drive. which will help the Cab operators well. If you are looking as comfort MUV for family sorry We Read more...
Shankar's Formula!
Reviewed Anniyan
As usual any shankar movies comes with lots of expectation & no doubt this too carried tons of expectation. As die hard fan of tamil cinema I too carried the Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mahendrask's review
Hey Guys My experience with the same Epson TX101 is something thing better than you. Infact I was able to print some 100 Pages with the cartridge which came with printer. I wanted only for 1 time printing & I asked for the low price & good Qty Printer with scanner. But seeing my project report my fr Read More...
Commented on casnner's review
I think you havent tried Epson Aculaser which has come recently Thats the best you can get
Rated on casnner's review
Rated on goshdarnit's review
Rated on mskhetan's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comment. Yeah intention was keep my review short & sweet. Will try to be more informative in future
Rated on nishithbhandarkar's review
Rated on dravidian's review
Rated on flowerchild's review
Commented on flowerchild's review
Pls get inspiration from real life simple people than a soap stars.
Rated on jennie_denton's review
Rated on neerapramod's review
Rated on shradz_talkz's review
Commented on shradz_talkz's review
I wish we have soaps depicting the life of simple yet sucessful women across India rather than getting western inspiration. We have people who are sucessful across various walks like
Commented on shruthi's review
Think papaya has quality of heating up the body? correct if me Iam wrong. Thats why its not advised for pregnant women also
Hi Ameer, I just want to say we always try to give excuses & instead we we have intiative then change is possible even in your view the people who take bribe in Govt agencies are none but part of the same citizen of Mumbai and the person who gives is also a citizen so the blame is on us only.
Rated on riks's review
Commented on riks's review
Though I can sympathize with you for the poor treatment met to your friend. But cant understand why some lousy dealers attitude should be the bench mark for experience of a product?.
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