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Member Since:Nov 08, 2011
20 MS Points
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Profiles are running by shaadi employeess
Reviewed Shaadi
Most of the profiles are fake and all the profiles are running by their own employees when u delete the profile then also you get the interest. When I enquirRead more...
Cheat app and fraud people
Reviewed Clovia
First of all when u order and return they will not refund in ur account even you select that option why don’t refund in ur account that’s very fishy Now I teRead more...
Fake profiles
Reviewed Jeevansathi
I came across mostly fake profiles which are having Same pic and diffrent. Ids and info. I reported this to the person who is handling my profile as I hired Read more...
All reviews are given by pureit emp , Bakwas prod
Reviewed Pureit Autofill Water Purifier
I think all other reviews are given by pureit employees. You can see in every negetive review pureit guy is updating comment saying plz share contact number. Read more...
Ghatiya product , Pathetic Customer care
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
Please don’t buy this product. Within one month it started leakage from bottom. Since two days continuously calling customer care no bady coming to see the  pRead more...
HCL laptop customer care is useless+Defective lpt
Reviewed HCL Laptops
I bought HCL laptop from data care center Pune, I went there to purchase dell but they convinced me for HCL laptop saying that it provides you 3 year warrantyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on jo33's review
Let’s report this app On App Store so that they will remove this app
Commented on ruchikabajaj789's review
Let’s report this app on App Store I m also a victim of their fraud
Followed Shaadi.com
Commented on dheeraj_narang's review
Same problem i faced , I have bought it form DCC pune. From very first day battary stpoed working and customer care people have high attitude and they dont want to convince that bettary was damaged
Commented on indranilram's review
I think reply given by purit is auto generated , when ever anyone gives bad comment very promptly it gor reply, But to log comment and get solution you have to follow up 10000 time with this pureit customer care. I think all good comments or review are updateed by pureit employyes , I heard from m Read More...
Commented on kumarjayasheel's review
Hi, I have faced exacte problem with in one month , I called customer care and complain got closed saying they didnt get my home . Same person visited my home and said he will come after one hour after that he didnt come that day then i called cusomer care and i got message that unable to tarce Read More...
Commented on trsnarayana2007's review
you r correct its not even 10 % pure just a fraud with our health
Commented on popon's review
Same is repated with I should have gone thru ur review before buying ii anyways i have bvery good network atlease i can update my frnds and relavitve in all over india abt this becz on site pure it employees have updtaed very good feedback i think thios company giving money to their employee to u Read More...
Commented on jasbir_singh007's review
This is true , even i m facing the same problem and there is leakage from bottom of the filter in the month . I have bought it one month back only This Pureit guy just updating every ones review and asking for contact number even my review he has update with same word But when we call custome Read More...
Commented on own review
To get my contact number please check ur databasse , I? have called 100 times in last 3 days and spend 500 ru balance of my mobile to talk to ur customer care but disnt get solution . U r so prompt to update this reply of this review , shud br prompt to provide the services not in just writing bol Read More...
Dear pureit , Since two days u r customer care is giving me time and ur tecnitian have no knowledge to resolve the problem he has also giving time but didnt responded after that adn not picking the call . How many times u will say sorry since Sunday i m listing sorry from from ur people u shud Read More...
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Rated on nishajaisinghani's review
Rated on firozfirestonewala's review
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