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Member Since:Oct 10, 2008
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Cheated by airtel customer care[RESOLVED]
Reviewed Airtel Digital TV
I have been an existing customer of Airtel DTH service for the last 6 months. My customer id is 3003113260. I had been confident of Airtel services so much soRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sanjeevbind28's review
yet another fake review
Rated on sanjeevbind28's review
Rated on sandeeparth's review
Rated on nishant_kashyap's review
Commented on sameer78's review
Thanks, I was about to buy it, and you reminded me of Tata's lousy customer service ,now would reconsider my purchase.
Rated on sameer78's review
Commented on rohitverma.85's review
The issue now stands resolved after I approached Delhi region nodal officer.
Commented on own review
The issue has now been now resolved after I approached Delhi region nodal officer. The DVR STB has been installed. I have got the entire refund of Rs 5490. Also, the balance in my online digital tv account has not been deducted. Thanks to all who commented on this review and provided their Read More...
Update 3 (as on July 10.2010): Same old story No engineer came today as well. I called up the customer care. A guy named Sandeep picked up the phone. I gave him my request number. And I am told the same old story that I have not followed the proper registration process. Instead of paying onlin Read More...
Rated on satya101's review
Commented on satya101's review
This is one more example of poor customer service by airtel. I have noticed that there is complete chaos at airtel call centre. Everytime you call their cc, they give you contradictory statements to what you were told earlier. I have had similar harrowing experience with them. Next time you call ai Read More...
Commented on amitibmbang's review
Certain operators don't allow to use pop3/imap4 mail for free. I am a customer of Vodafone in Delhi. They charge 199/- pm for using this service. More details: http://tinyurl.com/329oqk4 When I used Idea sim with my corby , I was successfully able to pop mail for free(albeit the service is fre Read More...
Commented on deb_b's review
Hi Nice review! If I take off the protective cover, won't the screen be more prone to scratches and ultimately degrade its quality after few months. Its TFT touch is capactive not resistive.
Rated on deb_b's review
Commented on ks18's review
hi ks18, how does the noise level compare to hitachi window ac?
Commented on bunnypunia's review
Hi bunnypunia, what is the resolution of this night vision cam? Thanks
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