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Member Since:Mar 23, 2012
0 MS Points
Don't care a damn about any companies
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Slowest on the so called volvo bus and expenseive
Reviewed KSRTC Volvo Service - Bangalore
I Travel from Bangalore to Mysore on personal work, every Sunday, and sometimes so to reach early I get onto Rajahamsa bus by KSRTC, but due to non-availabiliRead more...
Do not opt for SBI Gold & More credit card
Reviewed SBI Gold & More Advantage Credit Card
SBI credit card charges unnecessary amount, which wont be explained as to what those charges are for. I had used this SBI Gold & More Credit Card, and wRead more...
Worst attitude of the bank employees
Reviewed State Bank Of India
SBI 8th main, Basaveshwaranagar Branch, Bangalore: Worst attitude of the bank employees and the bank manager.I withdraw some cash from the bank today, and notRead more...
Worst service from the gas agencies - Bangalore
Reviewed Indane LPG Gas
This about the Indane Gas agency, the Agency is "Devaganga Associates", located in chandra layout, Bangalore. 2-3 months ago I booked for a new gas connectioRead more...
Ignore them, horrible customer care
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
I have a tata docomo mobile connection and there was a 60 Rs amount deducted for some Network18 service subscription, which I am never aware of. When I calledRead more...
Do not book on bookmyshow.com
Reviewed Bookmyshow
I tried to book a ticket for a movie, online in bangalore this website and it gives an error, tried 5-6 times, nothing really happened. Mailing to customer suRead more...
Happy with the product received from HomeShop18.
Reviewed Homeshop18
I had brought a LG Optimus Net p690 mobile from this online shop homeshop18.com, on Dec 2011, and till date am happy with the LG product I have received. I hRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed xanderrocks
Commented on satishjl's review
What is the mileage your getting now?
Rated on slhdnmslm's review
hi, what is the mileage your getting?
Commented on jafar4all18's review
hi, check this link > http://www.infibeam.com/static/help/payment-returns.html#return-policy This may help, since you brought it from infibeam, the service center people might not take back the product....''you have used that phone for more than 30 min'' is a nonsense response, ignore them Read More...
Commented on piyush90's review
I had order defy+ from infibeam on 25th march and received the mobile on 29th march, cash on delivery. Phone is working fine till date :)
Commented on own review
You will have to read properly and understand it.
Well, you need to read properly and understand.
Hi all, @visrom: have received the product? because i am planning to buy the same mobile. @piyush: You could done COD (cash on delivery) option when buying on any online store website, that is what i suggest. Any response on your product?
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chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)