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Member Since:Jun 09, 2003
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Education: Graduate
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Towards better electronic communication...
Reviewed Netiquettes
Here are few tips for better communication via electronic media. Some are personal idiosyncrasies and some are norms followed on Internet. I was always under Read more...
Prepaid has lost its sheen!!
Reviewed Pre-Paid Card Vs Post-Paid Card
Not too far in past, the cell phone was a luxury. The ultra-high airtime(What is that?) tariffs (Rs 16 per minute for an outgoing call and Rs 11 for SMS!) madRead more...
RH 9.0 (Skrike) on Desktop
Reviewed Red Hat Linux
I have used Red Hat 6.0, 7.2 and very recently migrated to 9.0. I use very few features offered by RH. Normally I dont even notice the different kernel Read more...
One of the best entry-level handsets!!
Reviewed Nokia 2100
When I finally decided to buy an entry-level cell phone, the choice of brand was almost obvious - Nokia. With my limited budget of Rs. 6000 (with 10% variatioRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on LdPCat's review
...that you did not like the movie. I would give this movie 7/10.
Rated on reenatjohn's review
Rated on lavanyadeepak's review
Commented on makesurlife's review
[makesurlife] I had always wondered why Monster's Inc was awarded the Oscar above Shrek. [/makesurlife] Please get the facts right. --shashi
Commented on artsed's review
I miss my super-favourite Shrek :(( Please watch it. --shashi
Commented on try2stopme's review
[quote] There is a lesser risk of hacks & cracks as the MSN servers are all well protected. Msn keeps updating the security measures. [/quote] With due respects to your source of information, I differ on this count. Don't we hear almost everyday about the security flaws in Windows, the OS Read More...
Rated on tech-writer's review
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on hvnk's review
I have not used both of softwares. But have been at the receiving end many times due to others, using Outlook... Guess what? Viruses! Anyway, it was a very informative review. Keep writing on various softwares. --shashi
Commented on rjois's review
Reading the review almost 5 months after you wrote it.... I am surprised, to say the least, to find Urmila and Karishma in the list. Well, they might have had their share of 'bakwaas' movies to their credit, but surely they have given some brilliant performances. They do have potential, just they Read More...
Rated on premjit's review
Commented on ee00224's review
But I was simply amazed when it took only a minute or so on mine. Sorry to differ, but I don't buy your claim. Even if you write 1 MB of data it takes around 30 seconds on *any* writer. I normally write at 16X which takes slightly less than 5 minutes to write 700 MB of data. So, by extrapola Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Kalil RedHat installation has improved quite a lot. The biggest problem encountered is making a dual-boot system. Configuring boot loader is the tricky part. But once you get a hang of it, it is easy. (I use LILO as boot loader).
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