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Member Since:Jan 09, 2013
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Good mall for chilling more than shopping
Reviewed Phoenix Market City - Mumbai
If you want to hang and chill out great location, comedy central and Manchester Cafe on weekdays is a great deal. Not as good for cheap shopping. But great fRead more...
Good but needs to work discounts
Reviewed Shoppers Stop - Mumbai
This is about linking road shoppers stop , mumbai. The store variety is cool and good. First floor all watches brand  are covered..good collection disadvantaRead more...
Visit if you are looking for...
Reviewed Huma Mall - Mumbai
To cut short story sweet, if you are looking for cheap and branded products go for it , but dont go if you want stylish , variety and fashionable .If you wantRead more...
Tips for using it
Reviewed Groupon
I have used groupon vouchers to gift and for myself and so far my experience has been ok. Todays expensive world sure a deals do help your pocket speciRead more...
Beware and cautious while using
Reviewed Tata Play Satellite TV
There is monopoly of Tata in setup box and for it there are very few good points and a lot bad points. bad points- 1}UNAUTHORISED SUBSCRIPTION -they subscribRead more...
Good bank but need to change outdated policies
Reviewed HDFC Bank
I was recommended HDFC bank by ex-employee of HDFC so I thought ok if ex-employee is recommending it must be great bank (i got my job and needed to open corpoRead more...
Good option for protection in winter
Reviewed Nivea Body Lotion
The winters are here and I want protective effective body lotion, smells nice plus does not leave my skinny oily or sticky. It is not that expensive as well. Read more...
Reliance bharlo frustration dimaag mein
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
My mom, me and my sister are reliance users .i have used every service of reliance and it is worst in everythng. 1) prepaid sim - balance is cut everytime witRead more...
Yummilicious alternative to all fatty food
Reviewed Real Fruit Juice
I have been a fan of real juice since 3 years now. First time I wanted to drink something and I dont like soft drinks (they r soda is off course not good for Read more...
Creative and fresh from mainstream entertainment
Reviewed BIG FM 92.7 Mumbai
I dont like Bollywood that much because they do all filmy entertainment and there are hell of ads on other stations shouting in your ear buy this buy that. NRead more...
Evry teenager must watch
Reviewed Taken
This movie has excellent moral story line plus the way the story is directed is gripping, realistic and it shows u practically the teenager hw thr r mislead iRead more...
Refreshing human reader expereince
Reviewed Linda Goodman's Relationship Signs - Linda Goodman
This book according to me can be aptly called as one of the most awesome book. I being interested in astrology started reading this book but the writing styleRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on LordHuzaifa's review
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Rated on desigal's review
Rated on adibids7883's review
Rated on alertconsumer's review
Commented on charliemuu's review
awesum title and true....
Rated on ManinderSharma's review
Rated on neerajku1967's review
Rated on charliemuu's review
Commented on boni_blackrose's review
I cannot stop laughing with a catchy title and ur skill of telling exactly what is wrong with this bussines..will never go for uninor now...good writing...
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Rated on ruchirz's review
Commented on nasir.shaikh's review
i wish i shud hav read this reviews earlier before opening account
Rated on nasir.shaikh's review
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S Saran (@trozorroMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
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