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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Dec 04, 2004
2 MS Points
Just a normal person interested in everything!. Everything!
About Me
Education: B.Sc., LL.B. CISA, CAIIB
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Neemrana Hotel - Virajper Coorg
Reviewed Neemrana Fort Palace - Neemrana - Alwar
Neemrana Hotels is a new concept, very well conceived but not very well executed but I think they are on the way to doing a fabulous job. There are about 8 orRead more...
Greta car but....
Reviewed Mahindra-Renault Logan
I just bought a Loagn DLS model. While I am satisfied over all some silly irritants that the manufacturer should take care of are: Revers light only on one Read more...
Nokia N70 Music Edition
Reviewed Nokia N70
This instruments is one of the finest I have come across. It is great value for money. Its capacity to store, video, songs and photos is awesome! Wish they haRead more...
Reviewed LG GR-362-M Refrigerator
LG Service has been completely outsourced and they do not have spares. And their products fail invariably after a year! I had a disastarous experinece this DRead more...
Suraksha - for Skoda repairs
Reviewed Skoda Octavia 2.0 Slx
Only this morning I had written about how auto dealers fleece their customers when we go for repairs etc. (Skoda Auto) - at the same time I must tell our Read more...
Skoda Dealers and Services
Reviewed Auto India
Message for Skoda Manufacturers We Skoda car owners need better service for our vehicles at Skoda Auto in Bangalore. You need to have atleast two more dealerRead more...
Then & now
Reviewed Northern Gate - Residency Road - Bangalore
We had been to this restaurant about a year agao and found it exquiste tase and prompt service. Again about two weeks back we decided to go over. We found thRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Those of you who cannot contact their local service - I suggest log on to their Global website and post the facts. These blokes will come at double the speed.
Commented on ibsekhar's review
Completely agree - please send me full details at soundrajan@hotmail.com _ am collecting data to appear before a consumer forum. Thanks Rajan
Rated on ibsekhar's review
Commented on acid.gene's review
Yes I have had a very biiter experience with this company - they are indeed a shame on TATA's name. I actually admire TATA companies - but this one is an exception and really very unfortunate! Please send me your full details - I am appearing before the District Legal Services Authority and want pro Read More...
Rated on acid.gene's review
Commented on jitendraag's review
I also asked for disconnect request - but they kept on delaying and also kept on charging despite requeste for disconnection. They are a shame on the name of TATA's whose customers I thought were trusted.
Commented on amalve's review
Tata Wimax really has been taking people for a ride and are also threatening legal action against innocent customers, while not delivering om the promises.
Commented on RTUI's review
Completely agree. I have the same experience and am going to the District Legal forum with my complaint. It will be very helpful if you could share all the details - I am going to make a sound case against them so they do not fool customers. Thanks. Please write full details to me on soundrajan@hotm Read More...
Rated on RTUI's review
Rated on len1977's review
Rated on shyam_rv123's review
Rated on sanjay68's review
Commented on zubinmaster's review
If the Bank is illegally removing money from your account, which you have saved for some purpose, you can seek redressal from consumer forum or the Banking Ombudsman in your city - or you can also write to the RBI, Department of Banking Operations or Banking Supervision. Please do not spare such ras Read More...
Rated on zubinmaster's review
Followed UbeU
After driving the car for a week, I find it very comfortable, roomy, efficient ad excellent for city drive. I think it will be even better for a long drive being a diesel, but have not tried that out. Watch this pace for more on Logan. Incidentally the time cannot be changed by hours in this mode Read More...
Followed Dushie
Venu Rajagopal - I already found a lot of reviews which have commented on performance etc. Hence I did not wnat to repeat. Whta I have said here is some special features I noticed.
I bought the car just a couple of days back - will let you know the mileage in a week's time. The compnay claims 15/16 in city and 21-24 long distnace. lets see.
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