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Member Since:Mar 05, 2002
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Education: PG
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Good Company
Reviewed Company
After Satya, heres another brilliant exposition on the Mumbai underworld by Ram Gopal Varma. But this ones even better executed. In spite of the mRead more...
A PSU with cherful staff!!
Reviewed Canara Bank
I have recently moved to Bangalore and have opened an account with Canara Bank. I wish to record my appreciation of the service provided by this particular brRead more...
Never buy a Timex Indiglo watch
Reviewed Timex Watches
I bought a Timex Indiglow watch for its good looks. I also found the glow function very useful especially on overnight bus journeys when I sleep less and lookRead more...
The most decent newspaper
Reviewed The Hindu
I have been reading the the Hindu for many years now. Its one paper that doesnt spice its stories and I have really come to trust it. Its supplements, especiaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Faridoon's review
Hey Farid I rather liked Humraaz. It had enuf twists to hold my interest. But then I am not a demanding movie-goer, some racy, non-boring stuff is all I ask for. And yes Akshaye Khanna was a treat. Liked him even in his dud debut! Too bad this actor never got great roles. cheers, sr.
Rated on Faridoon's review
Rated on pooj's review
thanks really for that piece. Pooja is right, that was not just a review, it takes great courage to write something like that. And thanks also for sharing that wonderful couplet by Iqbal. Cheers!
Commented on pavithrashinde's review
Dear Pavitra, welcome to MS and hope you have a good time writing on this site. I liked your review but I absolutely disliked viva's music. The whole album seems like a hotchpotch affair and is totally lacking in passion. cheers, sr
Rated on pavithrashinde's review
Rated on just-did-it's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
thanks Lyla for that. That was really uplifting. Its one of the best things I have read.
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on sumo_rhino's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
Commented on amrita's review
Dear Amrita, OK KNPH is no classic and HR is no great actor. But I liked both the film and the actor. Frankly before watching the movie I wondered what the fuss about this guy was all about. Now, I was complaining about the hype to my dad when my mom interrupted me with 'but he is such a good dancer Read More...
Rated on amrita's review
Commented on emmarar's review
Dear Mr. Nair, I do not watch FTV either, not because I am embarassed by nudity but because fashion does not interest me. However the reason I do not recommend your review is because I believe that every adult should have a choice of what s/he wants to watch. As for not gelling with Indian culture, Read More...
Rated on emmarar's review
Rated on chitrama23's review
Dear LL I saw your review today. I then checked your other reviews and liked the ones on lagaan and monsoon wedding. From your reviews you sound like a cheerful person. So pls dont let this get you down and continue to write. Cheers! sr
Rated on abababbey's review
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