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Member Since:Mar 19, 2005
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Primary interest, music and movies. Also love reading, travelling and socializing. . Music : Hindi, Western, Bengali of 60's & 70's mainly (the golden era) R.D Burman, Asha Bhosle, Gulzar : together they constitute the essence of my soul. Western Music : My favorites are Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Dusty Springfield, Isaac Hayes, Burt Bacharach, Joan Baez and Francis Lai Movies : any subject and in any language. Among other things, I dig Woody Allen and Monty Python along with French music and French cinema. I am also a fan of Basu Chatterjee, Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Gulzar movies. My other favorite directors include Satyajit Ray, Martin Scorcese, Shyam Benegal, Robert Altman, Francois Truffaut, Claude Chabrol and Akira Kurosawa. I enjoy commercial movies but only by selected directors like Ramesh Sippy, Farhan Akhtar, Ashutosh Gowarikar etc. I am a big fan of Govinda and David Dhawan, and although their movies make no sense, I still enjoy them. I love watching Great Indian Tamasha on NDTV and saregamapa on Zee
About Me
Education: M.S in Computer Engineering
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Dhoni : a tribute poem
Reviewed Mahendra Singh Dhoni
This may not be the right forum to write poems, but Dhoni has captured my imagination to such a great extent that I could not hold back from publishing it herRead more...
Awesome : could be Rituparno's best
Reviewed Antarmahal
After watching the movie, the first thing I realized is how difficult it would be to write the review for this one. First, it would take me at least another vRead more...
Sound effects murder MWM
Reviewed My Wife's Murder
One of the worst sound effects (if not THE worst) ever applied to celluloid. An excruciatingly painful 2 hours of cinematic experience that leaves nothing butRead more...
Sehar : epitome of brilliance
Reviewed Sehar
Since Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, I was wondering if Bollywood would come up with yet another stunner of a movie. Well, the answer came in the form of Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on fanaa's review
Good review there. But have you noticed that the mukhra of Chand Sifarish is very similar to 'Do Lafzon ki hai Dil ki kahani'. Perhaps an inspiration there ??
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Oscar wilde said 'The world is divided into two classes, those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable'. People who love RDB belong to the first class and the protagonists of RDB belong to the second. I proudly belong to the first class. I absolutely adore the movie, have see Read More...
Commented on moviezombie's review
The title says it all. Despite living in Canada and not being a Bengali, you have seen it before I did. I am green with envy. God knows when this movie will be released in India. btw, have you seen 15 Park Avenue yet ? Wonderful movie. Would be interesting to read your review of it
Great one !! Surely going to rent out the DVD next weekend.
Commented on wont_take_nonsense's review
Your review is the first one that tries to conceptually analyze RDB. Kudos for that. To arrive at an answer to the basic question - whether RDB works at a conceptual level, we need to first answer the following questions 1. What drove Bhagat Singh, Azad and the other revolutionaries of that peri Read More...
Commented on aswathy83's review
Wonderful review. You show a great deal of maturity as a movie goer. Your perception of the movie is accurate and your decision to not give away the ending is commendable. I just saw the movie and couldnt agree with you more on all the points you mentioned. A truly great movie.
Just watched the movie on DVD. Thought I will hate it, but actually ended up liking it - that is despite its several flaws. May be because of the same reasons as you mentioned -story and Kunal Khemu's characterization. Looking forward to another great review
Commented on teena_sri's review
How come, no 'Hazaron Khwaishein Aisi' on the list. It is supposed to eb the ebst of 2005
He is a fresh voice and should win the competition. A voice like Vinit is not very uncommon in North Indian music scene, but a Hemachandra cannot be heard too often. He is a jewel and should be rightfully utilized. Here's hoping he wins the competition (only problem is he gets so few votes). Himani Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Anindo, About Rituparno focussing on the 'mere physicality' of womenfolk in Bengal, I have this to say, that in AntarMahal, the woman's body was the real protagonist. It is with their bodies that the two women in the household played the attention game with their husband, the oppresive zamind Read More...
Thanks to everybody for appreciating the poem. I know I have let down a few readers who expected a technical analysis of Dhoni's performance. Well, I am no cricket expert to be honest. But I will try to instigate that kind of a discussion in a later review. Lets wait for the South Africa series to e Read More...
Commented on parthapm's review
yes, the camera work does tell a parallel story. And talking about cinematic nuances, there are indeed plenty of them in this movie. The ending itself begs for at least three different interpretations. I read an interesting article in rediff yesterday where they interviewed the guy who directed the Read More...
Vijay, In every culture you will find a mixture of liberated and opressed women. But the vulnerability factor is true for all women in general. Women are more vulnerable than men because they, by nature, have greater emotional and sexual need than men. A man can live alone without fulfilment, but fo Read More...
Well, have you seen Stanley Kubrick's 'Clockwork Orange' ? If that is not in bad taste then even Antarmahal isnt. Just like Clockwork Orange, this film deals with the dark side of human nature. The zamindar, despite being a Zamindar has been shown as 'not so sophisticated'. The ladies in the house a Read More...
Commented on PulomaDas's review
Hi Puloma, I respect your opinion on the subject of art. I also understand why this movie did not appeal to you. But a movie or for that matter any work of art need not be appreciated in the same way by everyone. You do have a sympathizer in the third reviewer who also classified the movie as so Read More...
thanks for your comment, Vijay. Devdas is not authentic. Its a pretentious costume drama which no Bengali can identify with, believe me. Parineeta is ok. comes close to authenticity. No, Bengali movies are not always about women. There have been several male centric movies, especially those by Read More...
I just watched the movie and I believe it is a masterpiece. Not recommending the movie and categorizing it as 'sophisticated porn' is outrageous and dishonest. The author seemed to have missed the point totally. The movie is a multilayered cinematic experience and is a treat for true film lovers. Ju Read More...
Commented on laikar's review
totally agree with you on Managl Pandey and Black. Black is the most overrated film of this year. Manipulative and pretentious. A movie created solely for effect and nothing else. keep writing.
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