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Member Since:Jun 27, 2001
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Pepsi soda a very ......
Reviewed Pepsi
This is a true fact which I have to share with all of you and it has not happens once but atleast on 4/5 times. Now a days we all see lot of infighting goingRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on youradvisor's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
Commented on milinddesai's review
hey guys it seems there is a fight within the organisation. Vile Parle vs Lamington road. who's right and who's wrong. what ever may be the case it has put an ? mark on the trueness of the previews. the author has not given any vaild reasons to justify why Jetking is recommended. come o Read More...
Rated on sanjays90's review
Commented on sanjays90's review
were you alseep also for the last one year and decided to wake up and write somethings. one more first time writer. may be a same person with a new id. Before you write anything verify all the facts. as you will have to prove all what you have said is correct. As it stands today what you ha Read More...
Rated on hi10shah's review
Commented on hi10shah's review
One more person who was asleep for the last one year and remembered that he / she wants to write something. bored of reading all the fake reviews. one more review written by a first time user. who knows this review is written by same person. keep writing.... till you yourself are out of Read More...
Rated on abhayc's review
Commented on divyaa's review
It was a surprise to read a preview defending karrox and nullifying Divya claim. Since you have taken pains to write a review why not re write your reviews and justify why you had joined karrox. thanks for defending karrox
Rated on divyaa's review
Rated on gopa's review
Commented on group181's review
without any doubt it can be said that divya, ss-ramesh, etc are accounts created by same person. the reason for same being they are always in sink with each other and the style of writing hence reading their views is just waste of time. only fools can believe in them.
Rated on group181's review
Rated on contentdeveloper's review
Rated on chinu's review
Rated on divya's review
Rated on sailesh's review
Rated on dixy_d's review
Rated on asyis's review
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