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Andhra pradesh
Member Since:Mar 19, 2010
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Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
I am Nitin from vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. I am 23 years of age and am passionate for bikes since 2 years. But I had learnt riding on motorcycle just 6 monthRead more...
Is it the best?
Reviewed Nokia 5200
Yeah it is best phone when we see overall features but a big letdown is it is very delicate and I will explain how much delicate it is. First of all I start wRead more...
I love it very much
Reviewed Nokia 6233
This is my first review on m.s on my beloved Nokia 6233 phone. I bought it on may 02 2008 when the 6233s production was almost stopped. I bought it for Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on abhishek750's review
Oh My Goodness, You said unicorn braking is good than Pulsar 220 !!!! Except CBR, Honda is never good in braking department. Pulsar 220 has stiff suspension and good tyres, and this makes up for the outdated chassis. Unicorn, CBZ and Hunk have smooth suspension which ensures plush ride. But they lac Read More...
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Commented on sujenshah's review
Hi, I am new to car driving. I read somewhere that Tata is good at diesel engines compared to petrol ones. What is your idea on it? I will be taking a new car in 2 months.
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Commented on ajay20101985's review
By the way, I am not a pulsar owner, but I ride apache. Till now, after riding all the bikes available in the market, I found both pros and cons in all the motorcycles. Forget about ''which is the best motorcycle'' thing and enjoy the honeymoon with your machine in long rides.
Chain snatchers using pulsar also goes negative for pulsar !!! LOL !!!! First of all, machine guns are used by military and terrorists because these guns have high potential. Neither one of them use sticks to fight, right ?? Since pulsars are used by police and criminals too, they found something un Read More...
Rated on ajay20101985's review
Commented on reveiwforall1's review
Unicorn is indeed a good bike. But what you have said specially about unicorn is true for many bikes too !!! I mean any bike which is maintained well feels great after service even after years. My apache clocked 35,000 kms till now and still feels very smooth after service. I change engine oil for e Read More...
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