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Member Since:Jul 06, 2004
0 MS Points
i am a consultant (calls for a lot of LATERAL THINKING) just kidding !! well its fun .. i love my job .. .. but always want to grow grow .. :D .. think that should be enough .. :P . I have varied interests, well some are actually crazy !! like to be active physically, have intellectually stimulating conversations. Love to play Table Tennis / Badminton / Swim / Trek and go on long rides on a Thunderbird !!!!. I love watching pristine habitats and do go out quite often. I love to read, am quite a voracious reader - i simply love R.K.Narayan, Leon Uris, P.G.Woodhouse, Mark Twain, Jim Corbett, Kenneth Anderson. I love music from classical indian Instrumental to Chuck Berry to Deep Purple to Bryan Adams to AVRIL LAVINGE (SHE's AMAZING) !! I wanna bungee jump and do paragliding, so if anything of that sort is in the vicinity of delhi do let me know .. pls .. :P. isnt that enough ?
About Me
Education: PG
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Dismantled atomic Bomb
Reviewed How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - U2
U2 - The band has origins as far back as 1976, when a note was posted in an Irish School by Larry Mullen seeking musicians for a Band. With Mullen on Drums, Read more...
Dap !!
Reviewed Download Accelerator Plus
Dap is product which is available from speedbit for quite some time now. It can be downlaoded from the website www.speedbit.com or from any of the sites ShaRead more...
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Airtel evokes to the mind the AR Rehman tune and that ofa company which is progressive and one that takes care of its customers. Alas, how wrong wasI !! HerRead more...
Mocambo Khush Hua !!
Reviewed Mocambo - Park Street - Kolkata
Well for Starters, Mocambo a restaurant in Calcutta doesnt exactly sound like restaurants in other parts of India or the world, or for that matter doesnt exacRead more...
Shocked Jane Austen
Reviewed Bride and Prejudice
Well, ahem !!I have nothing against hindi movies, but all the moviesI have watched for the exception of DIL CHAHTA HAI have been crazy, hackneyed to the leastRead more...
Reservations - From Mandal to Manmohan.....
Reviewed Ministry Of Finance
Let me apologise first for putting in this article under the Ministry of Finance. But theres a reasoning for that too. Dr. Manmohan Singh first becaome Read more...
Service - For Self or Customer ?
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Hi all, This is not about who provides the best service or who has the worst service. The literal Service Industry means a lot, to tRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sonia's review
Commented on own review
hey Gunny Boi, the product DAP is something so simple that it DOESNT warrant more than 10 lines. its simple that my mom ( i just taught her to use the email and the internet) DOWNLOADED IT AND IS USING IT TO DOWNLOAD SONGS !!
Commented on Aparna21's review
Glückwünsche !! The Review was well written !! Talk about lord Krishna !@@@@ btw most of the hindi movies (and the so-called superhits) are so cliched, almost anything goes inthe name of entertainment !!!!! Wish we get into an age where hindi movies make 'SENSE', (Which is expecting to Read More...
Rated on Suraush's review
Commented on anildp's review
hi, It was pretty shocking to note the callous nature in which companies are treating customers in india. It seems Customer Satisfaction and service have gone for a toss. All the companies are worried about is their Bottomlines. Wonder When in India, Would the Entire Industry focus on the Customer Read More...
Commented on cool_tanmay's review
well, ahem 75 reviews are a gr8 way to go. seems u know more about king kong opps ur favoured king khan, than he probably knows about himself !! HERO WORSHIP AT ITS BEST IS ALL I CAN SAY !! I have never watched any of his movies nor do i intend to (i just cant sit through any hindi movie for 3 Read More...
Commented on luvkish's review
good one, most of the hindi movies are boring as such !! so hardly makes the difference which movie or which star !!
Commented on deepali_g's review
yeah, ever since someone pinched my old phone ( i was extremely sentimental) about the previous handset i had, i got myself a 6610i and gotta say .. its a nice handset !!
Rated on deepali_g's review
Rated on sri_gopal's review
Commented on sri_gopal's review
well dude, wasnt exactly as cool as u wanted to be, and the copy of the guy who wrote the other reviews about gods knows whom all, wasnt exactly amusing. Also, do believe that it doesnt make sense to touch upon others ? What say, dude ? well different people have different opinion.. and im not amu Read More...
Commented on amrita's review
well no offence meant, not to u or to the spitting cobra :D, hey movies come and go .. ( guess about 10,000 hindi movies a year and none are worth the money or effort to watch them !! its not even good sex shown on the movie screen, so doesnt qualify as a PORN movie too. Well, Porn movies do look go Read More...
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