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Member Since:Nov 18, 2010
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Flipkart is awesome!
Reviewed Flipkart
Ive always thought theres no point in online shopping in India; I had terrible experiences in the past - mailmen stealing or damaging my package, Read more...
Amazing Courier
Reviewed Aramex
Alrighty, I was surprised that there wasnt even 1 good review about this courier. Well, I had ordered a few books from Flipkart; and it was shipped throRead more...
Very slow delivery process
Reviewed Blue Dart
I had ordered some books from Flipkart and they shipped it through Bluedart. Well, for most of the time the tracking status said: Please contact us; whatRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on akash2210's review
Rated on hrishikeshbh's review
Commented on hrishikeshbh's review
I have a feeling this guy has created multiple accounts to say bad stuff about Flipkart...
Rated on rakeshkumarg50's review
Commented on rakeshkumarg50's review
Oops, I accidently put ''Very Useful'', I meant to put ''Not Useful''; my bad...
Commented on own review
Listen up guys. I gave a review based on my experience with this courier...WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THAT!! I gave one good review and everyone has to think it's fake? SO you actually think that Aramex NEVER delivers on time!? NEVER? Ok maybe they completely SUCK where you are but it's fine here i Read More...
amdaj, I not sure how to prove it...but I don't work for Aramex. I order stuff EVERY WEEK - movies, books, etc; and the only decent courier is Aramax. Sometimes my order goes through Bluedart...and that's a guarantee that it'll be late. And this is India for goodness sake, customer service for every Read More...
Commented on aindril's review
Yikes! Ordered some books from Flipkart and they shipped it through Aramex...hope I don't have the some problem :/
Rated on aindril's review
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Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)