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Member Since:Jun 01, 2005
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. Bike, sports !!
About Me
Education: keep on learning........
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Dream comfort
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
Friends, here I’m to share some of my experiences of riding Apache. Rather being a ‘Review expert’ I just want to put it as a friendly chat. Hope it may givRead more...
Superb phone
Reviewed Nokia 6235
If you see the CDMA phone market today…. there is huge variety of phone available from LG, Samsung to Nokia… such a beautiful models, various featRead more...
Good bike with few problems
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor Plus
Hi. First upon thanks to Mouthshut for giving us opportunity to share our views. It really gives good idea about bike before u go for it. You maRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sam201's review
I switched to Vodafone from Idea. But Vodafone has disconnected one of my connection without prior notice, they don't have explanation why it’s been disconnected and neither they have reactivated it yet. I would call it pathetic service. Secondly, at my place Docomo gives better call quality than Id Read More...
Commented on saurabh486's review
Reliance CDMA is good, m using it for last 3yrs absolute no issue so far, got good reception even in remote areas. BUT !! their GSM service is ruining success of CDMA, i got frustrated just in two months. 'Emergency Calls only' display is common even in Mumbai city. Network is alive only under relia Read More...
Commented on lsnagarajan's review
'Emergency Calls only' display is common in Mumbai too. Till date i couldn't able to speak to customer care for GSM (*222), even after waiting for more than 30 min. the call keep landing in some/various auto answering machines. No one answers the call, I wonder whether they really have customer care Read More...
Rated on lsnagarajan's review
Rated on mikebhat's review
Rated on tujhekya's review
Commented on saravanan7's review
I'm sure u guys must be aware of it but still thought to give a word on it. The internet connection speed calculated by ISP is in bits and download speed shown on PC is in Bytes. So if ur internet speed is 1.5 mbps then download speed will be around 187.5 KBps (i.e 1500 bits / 8 = 187.5 bytes)
Commented on srasania's review
yeh, it does fluctuate, thanks for an idea on Splitter thing :)
Similar experience... when ever u see exatt guys, 'Chappal nikal ke marnaa.. aur meri taraf se do extra laga do....'
Commented on vikramkumar292's review
I wonder whether Exatt is really an ISP? Don't know whether they have ACL issue or poor DNS settings but many time Domain name don't get resolved for may sites. Their techys don't have any answer on it. Sometime u could access certain websites, sometimes u don't, it simply says 'Hostname does not ex Read More...
Commented on saf_'s review
Exatt is all fake promises, they don't even bother to visit customer even if the connection down.
Commented on aurean's review
Exatt is bullshit. Don't know what kinky DNS settings they have, many time host/domain name don't get resolved for many sites. Exatt guys don't have any answer on it. Many times i had fixed connection issue on my own, these guys are not even bothered to visit customer atleast once.
Commented on own review
Hi Bankey, just follow the free and paid service schedule given in TVS handbook. You may loose the free service if the period, Kms overlaps. I prefer to service bike after every 2000 kms. - Mangesh
Rated on pramad's review
hi rmallikarjunan, thanks for reading review. Done a test ride on RTR 160. i found it pretty quick, smooooth gear shifting and good handling as well. it has new silencer, firing is very good too. the only concern was riding position, its more like a sports bike, you need to lean more on fuel tank. Read More...
hummm ... fine budy, i will change it. thanks ..... .........
I always preferred to service at Authorized center. About TVS, I found theses guys are too slow in service. First upon they don't have appointment system like Bajaj and other service center has, u will be entertained only if u have vehicle at the time of booking service. If you book number before 9: Read More...
Commented on Cticize's review
what made u to compare two different class of bike………?
Commented on Jagdishahuja's review
hi.... how long u r driving this bike...? gear shifting problem is very common in all new bikes (newly purchased)... I had RX-100 earlier... the gears were too tight initially but it got smoother n smoother later on…. Now I own Apache (just 1500 kms done). Still I’m facing gear shifting problem but Read More...
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