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Member Since:Aug 21, 2008
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Never believe on Country vacations Hyderabad
Reviewed Country Vacations - Hyderabad
We also trapped with this country vacations, a vacation group of country club. They called us for free gift on amruta castle. And they did our brain wash totaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hello rsinha, Already lot of people hav given elobrated reviews about Country vacations. So, i don't want to explain the same things again. My main concern is to unite together and get back our money.
Hi priti, Exactly same thing happened with us. We also visited himaytnagar office 7-8 times and same things happened, u explained above. We also have 5-6 family contacts who are suffering from same situation. So, thats why we hav dicided that we will unite together to fight with them. Otherwise goin Read More...
Commented on aprashantkumar's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets make a big group to fight with country vacations. Lets join together to fight with them.
Commented on hyd1987's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets make a big group to fight with country vacations. Lets join together to fight with them. now we have to take action.
Commented on bpp9614's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets make a big group to fight with country vacations. Lets join together to fight with them. now we need to take action
Commented on vineetkg's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets make a big group to fight with country vacations. Lets join together to fight with them. Now we need to take action.
Commented on CSimhadri's review
mam lets start taking action. Guide us, so that we will get our money back. Thanks.
Commented on ajitpattnaik1's review
Commented on rajuramesh's review
Commented on laxrayala's review
Commented on arun_112's review
Can u provide us more contacts from hyderabad who got cheated
Commented on saritasainik's review
Commented on indian162's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets get ready to fight with country vacation hyderabad. make a big group to fight with them
Commented on babli0585's review
We also trapped with this fraud country vacations.Lets get ready to fight with country vacation hyderabad. make a big group to fight with them.
Commented on ravikk1010's review
Lets make a big group and start fighting with them.
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