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Member Since:Feb 03, 2007
2790 MS Points
A easy go guy with lot and lot of dreams in life .. People say I am talkative, but I believe I am good listener too...!! I always try to get to the root of the issue/ problem . Away from controversy. Reading, TV, Travelling, Sight Seeing,
About Me
Education: Plastic Engineer & PGDSM.
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Snehana Preetina.. Kannada Movie ( Remake of IshQ
Reviewed Snehana Preetina
Now-a-days, I hardly watch Kannada movies in Halls, though I am a fan of the Great Dr. Rajkumar, the last Kannada movie I watched in a cinema Hall was Kichha Read more...
Paris Heights...
Reviewed Paris
I was on a Business visit to Europe recently covering Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, UK and Ireland. In between we had a Weekend which our European counRead more...
Need a Re-look .... IA
Reviewed Air India
Well, Earlier I have commented adversely on so many occasions regarding Indian Airlines service, in Mouth Shut and elsewhere. I thought I need to give a re-Read more...
Not a Right Choice...
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
The first time, on an experiment basis I tried to fly INDIGO ; 6E- 105 from Pune to bangalore on 18/2/07.Offcourse it is true that I had paid more for this tiRead more...
Bakwaas Airtel Broadband -email connection
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
We have an Airtel Broad Band connection in Bangalore for the past 1 and half years...Whatever is the Speed, browsing... etc... I can write later.. But most imRead more...
Flying the Good Times
Reviewed Kingfisher Airlines
The King Fisher... Flying the Good Times I had read some reviews / comments on Mouth-shut.com about King Fisher Airlines recently, I wanted to add somethingRead more...
Reviewed The Janpath Hotel - Delhi
I dont find words to explain my apathy. Infact I should not have booked in this hotel in the first place. It is my mistake, I feel, after paying Rs. 6000/-Read more...
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Yes, while going through one of the reviews, I noticed it is being called as AIR --DHAKKAN!!!!..CORRECT.At Air Dhakkan or Deccan, they treat passengers like gRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on manish2K's review
Commented on manish2K's review
Have you ever tried the Airtelbroadband email account. If not, please try it. It is toooooo Worst.
Rated on KAUSALTHAKKER's review
Rated on kuchbhi's review
Commented on kuchbhi's review
Flight details, sector, reason for denying the Boarding Pass are necessary for complete revu.
Commented on Roger_Dis_Chap's review
Roger, Yes, We must admit, flying with KF is just fun. Each time I fly on KF, I feel relaxed reaching home with pleasant memories and 'sumthing' to admire abt. kf with spouse and family members. I am quite notorious in my neighbourhood and family/ friends circle for the KF red pouches, which I Read More...
Commented on ajjis's review
Dear Abha, Well the Metro Station for Eiffel is : TROCADERO, and for Paris Disney it is : RER metro with the last station of Disney Land. You should study the metro rail network map, which has around 22 sectors, clearly distinguished by different coloured lines on the map. You are welco Read More...
Commented on raghava_k's review
Thanx for your RC. OK, we can only wait and watch if and when they enter the national scene to give them a try. To add : I dont think and feel KF is all hype, Not b'coz I am a FF King Club Silver member, and also not b'coz of the so-called flying models. We feel the difference while Read More...
Commented on Devenpatel's review
I remember: We had stayed in this Hotel / Resort during our visit to Manali in 2003. that time the service, rooms, Hot water availability and food was good. May be over a period their service level have come down.
Commented on rdevarap's review
In reply to your comment on My profile in some other member's review: Nov 01, 2007 11:50 AM pjkkumar and pramodjoshi7 are the ones who also sided with SpiceJet on my review too and they are very prompt. A tactic followed by companies which don’t care a damn about customers. You are right in g Read More...
Commented on tigerz98in's review
Well, Mr. RDEVARAP, Your logic says; people at MS who comment adversely on the review are either employees or paid agents of the Subject Company. Poor thing. Broaden your thinking power; read some good detective stories, eat some green Palak (Spinach)... and then you can come out of your Read More...
Commented on Chintu25's review
Well Rohit's comments above reminds me of the following: Bangalore- Mumbai ( and vice-versa) sector has tremendous flow of passenger traffic. Yet, we have only 3 trains which cover this distance in 24 hours. B'coz the train route is such and it is almost single line till Pune. Whereas, for Read More...
May be they are good airways to some. Yet, I dont agree on all the points while comparing this REGIONAL airways to a Premier national and International airlines (a la KF and Jet) who are far far ahead of others.
Commented on amateurabe's review
Hi Abha, Oh.. Good and CONGRATULATIONS On the safe and happy Arrival of Master KABIR. Keep posting some more about the cute little prince. Wish you all the best. Regards, PRAMOD JOSHI, Bangalore
i think it should be Muzaffarpur (Bihar), B'coz Muzaffarnagar is in Uttar pradesh. Moreover, Varanasi is not enroute M'nagar next: WL-13 and WL 14 got confirmed against HO quota. HO and EQ are Head Office (VIP), Emergency quota's which are released at the time of preparation of Chart. If Read More...
Rated on workingman500's review
Rated on Cool345's review
Commented on anilped's review
I think you are on a writing spree on Indian Railways, Good, Keep it up. ~PJ~ Bangalore
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