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Member Since:Jan 07, 2012
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Harrowing humiliation by Indigo staff
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
I had traveled to Bhubaneswar recently from Hyderabad. On return on 1st Dec 2011, I had a harrowing time at the Bhubaneswar airport, thanks to rash arrogant aRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on abhijeetathale's review
Commented on abhijeetathale's review
You want to travel in this crappy airline becoz it landed early and yu were strande for lack of transport? Indigo sucks, staff should open the doors when at the max height and stay there. It will suit them becoz for some strange reason they have their heads in the clouds perpetually, more os when th Read More...
Commented on own review
@javeed: Is not printing bagagge limits on ticekt or on the website, my lack of preparation? Not sure, because they are charging heavily for excess baggage - it seems a ploy to loot unsuspecting customers, who have less time to take things further. But what about these: 1. No card sw Read More...
Followed Smirk
Commented on Smirk's review
As usual, some paid writers are writing nonsense about the bad experience of the reviewer. What more to expect from the most insensitive airline in India. Indigo and the paid members here should stop blaming passengers for their insensitive, and exploitative behaviour of Indigo staff and invest the Read More...
Rated on Smirk's review
Rated on rishun's review
Commented on rishun's review
INDIGO SUCKS!!! Exploitation, hidden costs, rash behaviour, what more could you ask. Go get out of our lives Indigo. Indigo GTH.
Followed rishun
Followed bidhubhushan
Commented on bhooper's review
This guy Abhijit mahajan is paid Indigo staff writer. Mahajan, why are you eveding the point that iis bbeing made by the customer here? Whether his boss wrote or someone else...obviously your boss is making you write too. the real point is blatant cheating by Indigo Airllines and the blatant miisbeh Read More...
Rated on abhijitmahajan_'s review
Commented on abhijitmahajan_'s review
This article/review is a completely paid and biased one with all lies. Horror starts even before you board the so-called low-cost airlines. Indigo staff are arrogant and brash. They will not let any opportunity to milk money from customers if they discover that you have fallen into some hidden costs Read More...
Rated on bhooper's review
Rated on vinitkavita's review
Commented on vinitkavita's review
The term ''best'' should be used for Indigo only if its service is good. Who wants to fly a low cost airline if the staff behaviour is bad and hidden costs high. It is better called ''Most horrible, but Low cost airline.
Commented on amansingh101's review
@MeenaRajiv: It is clear you are a paid Indigo staff. If what Aman has written is right, then Indigo is plain cheating its customers. Stop justifying cheating with your paid-for words. My sympathies with you friend Aman.
Rated on amansingh101's review
@ Anshumanmaini: It is good to see some response from the thick-skinned staff of Indigo Airlines. But you too have got the ''i cant do no wrong' virus'. I dont whether the onus is on the traveler to 'check'' or find out about all the rules before flying, particularly if the data is not there on t Read More...
Commented on mayankjain01's review
Indigo - worst possible behaviour by arrogant staff. No one to complain
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