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Member Since:Jan 21, 2008
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Shun them like vermin
Reviewed SSk White Collar - Bangalore
I tried two of their outlets, one in Doddanakundi, behind the Total Mall and another in Munnekolala, next to the railway over bridge.  In the process I lost tRead more...
Mysore Dasara Gold Card is a farce
Reviewed Mysore
Mysuru is a place that is close to our heart.  We visit it on every pretext - sometimes even once a month.  It is a place where I would love to settle down soRead more...
Royal Orchid Gold membership is a con job
Reviewed Royal Orchid - Bangalore
I have never stayed at any of their properties but have dined in their restaurants in Bengaluru and Mysuru on umpteen occasions.  It is indeed a very good grRead more...
BagItToday: They call you and take you for a ride
Reviewed Online Shopping Experience
These guys called me today in the morning around 10 a.m. saying that I have been selected for a Rs. 50, 000/- prize at Surat Diamonds Online Jewelry Store. BuRead more...
Too small a car with a horrible mileage
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto LX
Almost everyone here has rated this car really high. However, other than the looks, I dont really see much in the car. It lacks pickup, doesnt hRead more...
Very good product but pathetic after-sales suppor
Reviewed IFB Elite VX
The product is undoubtedly of unmatched quality. However, the durability of the soft parts is doubtful and to say that the service is pathetic is an understaRead more...
A bunch of Cheats!!!
Reviewed Ezeego One
This company is a bunch of cheats. I booked a ticket in September 2007 and cancelled it on December 20, 2007. After one month when I called them up and talkeRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
@hanu_badri Mr. Baljee is the owner of the Royal Orchid chain of hotels.
Rated on vinayrathor's review
Rated on blucees's review
Thanks Javed for your comments.
Rated on ronin561's review
Commented on ronin561's review
Hey Ronin561, Can you first clarify whether you are a doctor or an engineer? To quote you from the comments section on this page: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Microtek_UPS_-_E|||||178;-185486-1.html by the way, i am a doctor, not an engineer. i jus said that to the microtek official Read More...
Commented on modernmukul's review
Your last comment : In other words inverter basically is an UPS & an UPS is basically an inverter.Both are the same things.So dont get fooled by the sales person. is incorrect! An inverter and an UPS are very different in their application as well as technology. In terms of their applic Read More...
Dear Velocityfiend, I haven't seen another person who is such a die hard fan of any car so as to ask a critic to go learn driving. Now that you have, I surely will do what you say. But then before that I'll give you my car with the tank filled to the brim and the trip meter reset to zero and y Read More...
Firstly the incident never happened during the September-October, 2007 time frame as mentioned by you. It happened during the end of December 2007. Yes, you definitely repaid the amount of Rs. 12,367 you owed to me on February 5, 2008, after a lapse of 51 days from the date of cancellation with t Read More...
Yes, it indeed is the IFB Digital 7 KG. The price quoted is what it was in May 2006 when I bought it in Bangalore. That is 2 years back.
Rated on ss11011's review
Rated on Shivkumarn's review
Rated on prathmesh1's review
@ Rohitthebest Can you please point out where do you find the infirmity, if any, in what I have said.
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Princewill Umoh (@princewillumoh25MouthShut Verified Member)
Sachin Saini (@ss1840073MouthShut Verified Member)
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Aadersh Chakrapani (@aadershMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 41