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Member Since:Apr 10, 2011
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Digital Vidya
Reviewed Digital Vidya
Attended the CDMM 2.0 training for digital marketing from DV. The training is really good. However, I would have definitely liked if they covered how to reporRead more...
Reviewed Posterduniya
I ordered a Manchester United poster a day before raskha bandhan. I got an email with purchase order. Unfortunately, the website will only give you that much.Read more...
Interesting shopping experience
Reviewed FashionAndYou
I have to say Im one of those customers who was with Fashionandyou.com from when it was launched. When it was launchd would blv it took me 15 mins to geRead more...
Indiaplaza.com not sure anymore!
Reviewed India Plaza
Believe it or not I recently wrote a review about indiaplaza.com and praised the way they operate. and guess what? I did order from them again and they were rRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sureshjabi's review
Rated on psannidi's review
Commented on reviewraj's review
i totally agree with you. This is a website which accounts for its actions and i really appreciate tht!
Rated on reviewraj's review
Rated on asifqbeig's review
Commented on vallaree's review
i do agree with the quality in the clothing line. They also charged 100 from me for the delivery of another product for a damaged good they delivered. Really ridiculous. I havent yet checked out there facebook page so no idea about it.
Commented on MazumA's review
@Pinkishah2001 : i do get what you mean by the employer thing now...coz this is a review I would probably be against just like you. I can personally tell you there is a delay in delivering products! they take ages to deliver and you can't be sure about the status of your product. I did get a br Read More...
Commented on own review
lol! i dont wrk for FNY! If giving a positive response for a company means its an employer response I'm not sure if you're specifically here looking for bad reviews or just reviews on what people feel about a company. I just wrote a review about my experience with them. Giving a review does not Read More...
totally agree! i really dont understand why a website would take so long to deliver a product when other websites which do provide branded items dont take so long or have ready-made excuses to delay shipping.
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