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Member Since:Feb 05, 2006
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Why I am not going to buy a Honda car ever again.
Reviewed Peninsular Honda - Trivandrum
Since my purchase of my Honda City ZX EXi car in 2006, I have been facing hardships and terrible service experiences from Peninsular Honda, Trivandrum. BeingRead more...
Why I did not buy the New Honda City 2009
Reviewed Honda City 1.5L i-VTEC
Why I did not buy the New City 2009: Bad plastics - feels cheap and easily breakable. The door handle actually bends when used! Tiny useless wheels- needs 1Read more...
Worst scooter you can buy!
Reviewed Hero Honda Pleasure
Do not buy the Pleasure, if you are an occasional user like me. I only use it two to three days a week. If you do not use it everyday, it is impossible to staRead more...
Samsung OK
Reviewed Samsung SR-44 WG 2 Refrigerator
Samsung fridges are really good. I bought one 5 years ago. Other than the light fusing even with our lousy electricity, it works really well. Of course it lRead more...
Good car with very few faults - Update after 3 yr
Reviewed Honda City ZX Exi
I bought a New Honda city EXI - Alabaster Silver in March 2006. So far I have driven 600 KM (in 15 days). Pros: Steering: top class power steering - light at Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Update: It seems I was right and the service engineer was wrong. It was not the bearing of the compressor or the pulley but the bearing of the a/c clutch that was the problem... Incompetent to the core...Peninsular Honda!!
@Ilyasmd: You can post your personal details on the web if you want. I value my privacy too much.. If you want to regard it as a fake review, that is your look out. Go ahead and buy a Pleasure and repent at leisure!!
@shokvimochan: better recheck your milage values!! Even the factory does not claim such great milage!!
Commented on vishnuram747's review
Good review...Thank you. Please also mention about the drivability in dense traffic conditions..some people have said the clutch hurts the ankle after repeated changes of gear when in dense traffic conditions in the city.
Rated on vishnuram747's review
Commented on dan009's review
ADL Autologin is designed for Asianet Dataline users, especially those on Limited Data Packages. It has been a frequent problem to keep manually logging in with your Username and Password each time you want to browse the Internet. Sometimes you may want to Login to ADL as soon as the computer i Read More...
Commented on alug82's review
Commented on prapanch's review
Commented on gkris108's review
Commented on nitinmmk's review
Commented on lallu_bhayya's review
Commented on spdf's review
Rated on amoorthi's review
Commented on MissMeenakshi's review
Mouthshut should investigate such reviews. Most of these are sponsored by the companies. All pros and no cons???
Commented on adhishb's review
Problem resolved. Problem resolved. Problem resolved. Problem resolved. Comment Deleted.
Commented on vijayadi's review
After a year of silent reading, I wished to get some information about a DVD player some member had bought so I tried to join the site. I wrote two perfectly phrased and reasoned notes listing the reasons why I wished to join. I got refused at first, but wrote to the mods by email and they accepte Read More...
Commented on slm_satish's review
Commented on vijaypadiyar's review
Commented on waiwai's review
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Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)