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Member Since:Mar 12, 2004
0 MS Points
Avi A simple person who believes in living life to the fullest…I can talk non-stop with those whose company i enjoy & not speak a word with those who make me feel uncomfortable. I’m an extremely FRANK person. Speak against anything I don’t like , irrespective of the consequences. Am bad at hiding feelings - my likes & dislikes r obvious from my expressions :) Don’t have any secrets in life - my friends know everything about me. Can’t stand friends lying to me. Hate diplomatic people & those who try to be what they r not. Love ppl who speak from their heart , coz thats the way I am ! Try my best to get smthing i’ve set my heart on. Dream a LOTT …hv lots of them painted for the future.. All technical and non technical stuff, business management, entrepreneurship..
About Me
Education: B.E (Computer), MBA (Marketing)
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Worst service :Funny encounter with delivery boy
Reviewed Zovi
I wish to share my experience with you all regarding shopping on Zovi. My order no BD29C, placed on 22 November 2013. Status: Yet not delivered Funny part isRead more...
Reviewed University of Pune
The Department of Management Sciences(University of Pune) fondly called as PUMBA is one of the premier B - school. Started in 1971, it is one of the oldest BRead more...
Snapdeal: Frustrating Delivery service
Reviewed Snapdeal
I purchased a Pen drive ( Order 853931518 ) on 2013-01-22 11:17:11 AM on their Republic Day offer / deal. Delhivery  tracking no: 11111852922  (Logistics comRead more...
McDonalds - wonderful Customer service
Reviewed McDonald's - Kalyani Nagar - Pune
Well, I never thought I would write a review onBurgers, but thats what I am going to do right now! So it so happened that one fine day we orRead more...
Highly dissatisfied with Yebhi.com service
Reviewed Yebhi
This review is not meant to belittle or complain against this website. But to share my experience with Yebhi.com, so that my fellow mouthshut.com writers and Read more...
Reviewed Sony Ericson K508i
Hi guys this is a review on sony ericsson k 508i i was lookin for a good cam phone after my nokia 3310 and SE T100 like always I did eextensive research befRead more...
T100 -ok entry level phone
Reviewed Sony Ericsson T105
SONY ERICSSON T100 hi guys i m writing a review after a long long time........ well lets c something about SE T100 this was my first phone it was good tiRead more...
Ruff n tuff NOkia 3310
Reviewed Nokia 3310
Ruff n Tuff Igot my Nokia 3310 just last year and it is the best phone. Thats whatI think; see what do you expect from a cell? Incoming outgoing SMs and somRead more...
RX100 -best4 collegians
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
YAMAHA RX-100 RULZ YES Frenzs thats allI can say.I am 18 now andI think this bike is just the right thing form me now!. its got looks,style, attitude. EspeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vincehegh's article
To HEEL or NOT to HEEL My question Is ' Using a 1 inch or greater heel size' for men advisable? Would it cause pain to the toe or the feet? Is it advisable to use flat sole shoes?
How to grow taller height elevator shoes for men
Commented on own review
Update: Received my order today i.e 30/1/2013 at 12:30 pm
Commented on anshumanmaini's review
This book was on my bucket list, and after reading your review, must say i am tempted to read it! Liked your style of writing too. The White Tiger as you said was indeed an enjoyable read.Also, the Life of Pi. Somebody mentioned about Chetan Bhagat here, i think personally Bhagat is a more 'mass Read More...
Rated on anshumanmaini's review
Commented on nitingite717's review
Are you serious??? You know it's a sitcom right?
Rated on pujat's review
Rated on rajanirani83's review
Commented on pavan210's review
ATleast you are getting your money back! MY first experience with Yebhi was unfortunately was not that pleasant. After my review the customer complaint redress mechanism has started, but i hope the entire shopping experience is much better the next time ( if it happens that is, esp. with so ma Read More...
Rated on pavan210's review
Rated on raj49's review
Commented on avudaiyappan's review
well i had woned a SE K550i and was pretty satisfied with its performance for two yars before it finally broke down, never to live again. Yours may be an off case, SE phones are pretty feature rich butit can't be used roughly as normal Nokia phones. -crazyriter
Commented on pratmen's review
i think we are supposed to write it on our own. and NOT COPY PASTE FROM Wikipedia
Rated on walking_dude's review
Commented on sdrayin's review
hi even i am thinkin of gettin rx 135 or rx 100. u got it from which city also whats the mileage cud u help thx
Commented on karti's review
i myself have this phonee and the pic quality i get is quite decent. at its price it is the best in category considering the features it offer
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