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Member Since:Oct 05, 2006
0 MS Points
By profession, I am a software engineer working in Bangalore. People who know me often point out two personality traits, i.e that I am rather reserved by nature and that I am curious about everything around me. I spend a lot of time mulling over the 5 W's (& 1H) and in the end I still am as confused as ever. I am a very equality centric person and believe that one should always respect other people, no matter what. All in all,I suppose I could say I am a nice person to know!. lots of them.. they keep changing with time
About Me
Education: BE,EEE
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Its worth a watch
Reviewed Casino Royale Movie
Wanna catch an action flick with amazing stunts and great acting? Head to the theatre now and catch the latest Bond movie - The Casino Royale. ThRead more...
Great acting and good songs
Reviewed Umrao Jaan -2006 Bollywood
This is probably one of Aishwarya Rais best moviesto date.Shes given a stellar performance and looks stunning throughout.The other actors have donRead more...
The ten best
Reviewed Ten Favorite Sports Personalities
I have taken a long time to write this review. Its because I simply could not decide which ten players to choose as my fav ten. After Id finished Read more...
A wonderful musical
Reviewed Sound Of Music
The movie: It has romance, thrill and comedy all beautifully packaged together. As for my experience as a viewer I can assure you that one can watch this movRead more...
50-50 on both
Reviewed E-Books Vs. Paper Books
Being someone who has always read paper books(books), I found the transition from books to e-books quite difficult. Both have their own set of advantages. *ERead more...
A mixture of everything
Reviewed Life Is Beautiful
This is probably one of the best-est movies Ive ever seen. Romance,comedy and tragedy are all woven into the fabric of this movie.It is predictably ,a vRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Thanks for the RRC. Do watch the movie. I'm sure u'll like it :)
Rated on milinddesai's review
Rated on cutedoggie's review
Commented on cutedoggie's review
i ve watched this once long back. All that I seem to remember is the music which I thought was gr8. Good review. Makes me want to watch the movie again.
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Commented on sudipto33's review
I'm a P G Wodehouse fan too and I did go through all the (e)motions you mentioned while reading his books. I think his books also have a great ironic quality with the butler being so clever and the gentlemen being so stupid.
Rated on sudipto33's review
Thanks for the reading , rating and commenting on my review folks :)
yeah , i agree.. mike tyson is a good choice
Didnt know abt quite a few of those sites.. will check them out..
Rated on patenik2's review
Rated on sourray's review
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