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Member Since:Feb 09, 2007
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V Good but Needs to be little organized
Reviewed Narayana Nethralaya - Rajaji Nagar - Bangalore
Narayana Netralaya is well known from the word of mouth hence took my 8 year old daughter for ey checkup. The Hospital is located next to Iskon temple in RajaRead more...
Worst service
Reviewed ABN Amro Credit Card
I had taken this ABN Amro freedom card for it gave me good balance transfer options so to clear the dues of my citibank card I was given 32, 000 DD for BT. I Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on dev_2103's review
Commented on dev_2103's review
This is not a review at all!!
Rated on DumbDodo's review
Rated on india4freedom's review
Commented on Neel13's review
Hi Neel, Gone are the days when the Bullet was suited to a heavy built person. Now the height and weight is not at all a concern for a Bull :) Before I suggest you to go for this Bull, note the pros and cons of it. If you are mileage person this is not for you If you are a city commuter pers Read More...
Commented on gauravbhagra's review
Nice Review Gaurav! However if one has to decide between K10 and wagon R, apart from the price difference what according to you Wagon R scores over K10. I am going to decide before Christmas and need to decide between Nissan Micra/Wagon R/K10.
Rated on gauravbhagra's review
Commented on bebu_bebu's review
I am surprised!! How is this is 'ISSUE RESOLVED'. There is no explanation from the user but the review states the issue is resolved?
Rated on bebu_bebu's review
Rated on nothingbutthetruth's review
Rated on SRG1's review
Commented on nisha.bshr's review
Awesome. Googled and found this link for top 20 songs. Liked them all when listened, thanks for sharing.. :)
Commented on bulletsanju's review
Very Honest Review, Its good that your beast is giving 38, you must be a proud and a good owner Keep Thumping Dude.
Commented on anil0842178's review
My friend your review is stammering, You drove a Grande Punto 2 years back and you are 6ft tall and you had a M800! You say that Beige color looks horrible then again you praise the added additional Beige color! Anyways congrats on your review!!
Commented on Binshu's review
Good tips but do you suggest a True Value which gives us a 6 months warranty>?
Rated on rk_pawar_2003's review
Rated on psyxx's review
Rated on pvgm's review
Rated on Srikavitha's review
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