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Member Since:Aug 21, 2006
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Great for home use
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I used Airtel broadband for nearly two years and my overall experience was pleasant. Their speed is nothing to write home about - average at best, and too priRead more...
You win some, you lose some...
Reviewed BSNL Dataone Broadband Service
The national internet backbone is afterall, the backbone. BSNL, which runs on that, definitely gets the advantage of speed & capability. I have used Sify, AirRead more...
Absolute Value for money
Reviewed Sony Cyber Shot DSC-W35
I have been using this camera for more than a year now.and its simply brilliant. You just cannot go wrong with the user friendliness and impeccable results ofRead more...
Absolutely Brilliant!
Reviewed Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H9
This camera has been one fantastic buy - actually all my Sony products have been coming to think of it! Yes, its a step ahead of the H7 but differences are bRead more...
Value for Money
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno
I bought a baleno lxi a month back after going thru reviews on mouthshut. My opinions below may sound biased in places, but pls understand that I have been a Read more...
October 2006 passengers beware!!
Reviewed SpiceJet
SpiceJet completes US $ 1.1 Billion Financing of its Expansion Plans: http://www.spicejet.com/newspage.asp?strNews=1.1Billion Great news for spice jet loversRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on uneet's review
Rated on simmam's review
Commented on simmam's review
I am actually trying to figure how brands try to save their reputation, by going thru the few positive things written about this brand's service. And honestly, all of them sound like a customer service spiel!
Rated on mrgreycells's review
Commented on mrgreycells's review
with just one other review, you do sound like one of those hired tata reputation management guys
Followed AConsumerVoice
Rated on AConsumerVoice's review
Rated on kavitamuthanna's review
Commented on ritesh.andley's review
Customer Service is what drives customers into your showroom, not fuel efficient cars. Ask Hyundai and they will tell you. Do consider writing a small mail with a link to this page to Ford India Ford is anyway losing ground with its 10 yr old Ikon design. This attitude after that will only sell mo Read More...
Rated on ritesh.andley's review
Commented on ravimrc's review
Event Hyundai Santro suffers from the same phenomenon. Its absurd to see the lenghts manufacturers go to save costs/ make more space (just to add those extra litres of boot space in the brochure)! Suzuki Swift ZXi is also a case in point. All four wheels are 15' alloys while the stepney is 14' stee Read More...
Rated on ravimrc's review
Commented on own review
Thanks Sriram & Himanshu. However, in my opinion, low cost is not equal to low class. You & I are still PAYING here! Hence, LCC's should atleast give us our payment's worth! Rather, LCC should understand that there are a lot of people who fly LCC owing to affordability issues and therefore creati Read More...
Commented on sanamrk's review
Thank your stars that the pilot was intelligent enough to abort a landing when required. Better than landing and bursting a tire/hurting yourself right? You should give them a high 5 considering a missed approach as its technically called, only adds to their fuel costs and delays everything. Most ai Read More...
Commented on manivenkit's review
Guess you are pretty up-to-date my friend! Thanks for the indicators.. will hold on to my gizmo expansion plans till IPTV launch..! By the way, sorry abt your friends although, imagine just how many people u saved from the scam just by listing here! Rock on!
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Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
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kiran (@pkirankumar06MouthShut Verified Member)
Sk Mehadi Hassan (@smhassanjeeMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 5
Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
Vignesh V (@vigneshaugMouthShut Verified Member)