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Member Since:Sep 25, 2001
0 MS Points
My worst hate in the world has to be pretence. And yet it exists in most of us, even if only a little. I promise that anything you read in my reviews is written 100% by me, and is not just what I think people want me to say. So I hope you enjoy reading them, and hope you will feel free to tell me where I am going wrong. I love films. I think a person's taste in films can tell you a lot about their personality. <b>So, without further ado, here are my top ten films:</b> 1. The Matrix 2. Pulp Fiction 3. American Beauty 4. The Usual Suspects 5. The devil's advocate 6. Fight Club 7. Enter The Dragon 8. The Game 9. Dogma 10. Monty Python's Life of Brian In the way of music, I enjoy most styles, the main exception being Mainstream. My favourite band is Radiohead.
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My old friend
Reviewed Nokia 3210
Its not the most up-to-date technology, nor is it colour or polywotsit, but my 3210 ten does everything I need it to. I first bought the phone a year aRead more...
One of the greatest albums of all time
Reviewed OK Computer - Radiohead
Well, Id love to give a completely original, controversial opinion on this album, disagreeing with the majority. Unfortunately, Im just going to sRead more...
Five classic films...
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Films of the 1990s
Since I was young, I have always shown a keen interest in films. Many people have told me that this signifies a mis-spent childhood. They are probably right. Read more...
What a classic!
Reviewed The Devil's Advocate
There are some films that can leave me staring at a blank screen long after the films finished, deep in thought. Sad, I know, but true. The DevilsRead more...
NOT the usual type of film
Reviewed Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects is one of the most cleverly thought-out, original films ever made. I was one of the lucky minority who, while watching the film, had no ideRead more...
A comedy classic
Reviewed There's Something About Mary
I first saw this film just over a year ago. I was in hysterics. Watching it again yesterday, I was reminded why. The script is hilarious, the humour is originRead more...
Fantastically shocking
Reviewed The Sixth Sense
With its infamous spine chilling twist and outstanding performances from both Bruce Willis and particularly Haley Joel Osment, The Sixth Sense is a cinematic Read more...
What a powerful masterpiece
Reviewed American History X
American History X bravely attempts to tackle the delicate issue of racism in modern America, and succeeds. Unlike most films of today, it is an accurate portRead more...
What an outstanding directorial debut
Reviewed American Beauty
I am the sort of person who stupidly often judges a film purely by its title, as Im sure so many others do. Which is why I never actually intended to goRead more...
Maybe a bit late...
Reviewed The Matrix
Im probably a bit late in writing this review, but I felt compelled to do it nonetheless. It is hard to express exactly how good I thought the Matrix waRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sPACEjUNKIE's review
You certainly seem to share my opinions of this film. While it has ovbiously got many similar qualtities to Pulp Fiction, it somehow is still an original film in itself. Definitely a cult classic
Rated on sPACEjUNKIE's review
Followed abababbey
Followed sPACEjUNKIE
excellent review, you definitely have the same taste in films as me. There is not one film on the list I would disagree with, although I have not seen almost famous. Well, I suppose that will have to be next on my list
Rated on abababbey's review
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