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Member Since:Jul 24, 2005
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Education: MBA
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Godrej 410L GF42 a JUNK BOX
Reviewed Godrej Pentacool Refrigerator
RE # Godrej Refrigerator – Model 415 P Cool – GF 42 The said fridge was purchased on June 18th 2004. It had given lot of problems in the first year of operatRead more...
The accounting sucks
Reviewed Sharekhan
Dear manoj, i agree 110% with you, their site has so much that you get lot in it, many times I have had some similar issues, and I tried to locate the email Read more...
Nasty and Roton ICICI Credit Cards
Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
I was going thru hell while I was banking with them.....i had two SB a/c and two Demat a/cs.....i was spending more time money on phone calls to their ’Read more...
Icici cheating and day robbing
Reviewed ICICI Home Finance
Icicidirect and icici bank.....now theyve stopped the payouts....the stocks that I sold on 26th and 29th is yet to be credited though it was due on 31stRead more...
Veerappan of banking = icici
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Sir, what I have done is just keep Rs 75 as bal in the a/c, I was a private banking customer and I have a letter from icici that my min bal is nil, so if theRead more...
ICICI - PATHETIC (icicidirect.com)
Reviewed ICICI Securities
Sir, The icici web trading site is dead for the time being JULY 24,2005... I began trading at icici 6 months before.... but now getting cheated for the past Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on S_KH's review
Commented on drjaimehta's review
even i have the same trouble....the fridge is a junk..... now we know how indian co make so much profits.....it's one of the ways to keep us bussy buying new equipment regularly.....and in turn make more profits..... it's india...nothing works for consumers....had it been US/Europe we could have m Read More...
Rated on drjaimehta's review
Commented on vijaym_74's review
some thing similar hapened with me....in may 2005....when the collection agents came to my house to collect some 12510 Dr in my credit card bills....12375 amount not belonging to me..... the actual due from me was only some 125.....i ensured that he has some snacks and tea and made him sit in front Read More...
Commented on wkrish's review
had i known this earlier i would have f'ucked these ICICI guys by using the card up to my max limit 1.5 lacs by buying GOLD and lodging an FIR of lost card....so as per the clause 7.4....the charge slip does not require any signature i could have taken the plea that the card was misused by the perso Read More...
Rated on wkrish's review
Commented on JANNU's review
down down icici......loussy bank loussy people....rotton service.....loussy card.....mad system......but # 2bank in India.... Why....? because this is India.....these things happen only in India........shit banks become # 2, 3 etc....no wonder we as a country just cant progress....we keep cheatin Read More...
Commented on catwoman's review
Hi Cat.....ur story is similar to mine....i still owe them 6400....90%of that is late payment fees and bla bla bla......ur card was rejected at Pantaloons....in my case it was Bata....and sure i can feel ur embrasement moment....as i also went thru the same...in fact the Bata cashier asked me if i h Read More...
Rated on catwoman's review
Commented on crazygazebo's review
Dump ICICI, no point banging ur head with a stone, only....u will get hurt. The most loussy bank for any kind of service, sorry.....no service. Join Sharekhan, i am with them for the past 18 months and they r good. Brokerage is also very low. 0.03 for interday and 0.15 paise for delivery
Commented on nilesh_karkhanis's review
I am with Sharekhan for the past 10 months, i found it good, they have 3 platforms, TraderTerminal(software based), Java based, and browser based. I had earlier traded in IndiaBulls, Kotak, HDFC, ICICI, 5paise....all of them had some issues or the other, Sharekhan is quite good i pay 3 paise i.e. Read More...
Commented on cool_sid's review
if u r keen on getting ur cash back, just Scre* them by closing all ur a/c with them 1st, then use the credit card to the extent of cash back that's due from them and then stop making all payments to them on the credit card bills and then ask them to adjust the amount against ur cash back that's due Read More...
Commented on gsinha2809's review
welcome to the icici victims club..... keep banking with icici and keep crying....else decide to quit....i was with icicidirect (6 mths) and icici bank(7 yrs)....i suffered the worst during june to aug period....lost almost 85000 of potential profits due the lousy ICICIDIRECT site not working due Read More...
Commented on own review
Ms Lalitha, Mam, I have done enough of the chasing now it's their turn to chase me.....let's see if ICICI will ever catch up with me.....this is my way of teaching them a lesson....u may have a different idea….that’s ur way of looking at things….. And by the way.....it Read More...
Mr. Nair...guess u may not find them any more there…………… Pls be little sympathetic to poor people like us…..sir bye
Mr Nair…..on small e.g….i had purchased 100 Infosys Stocks during the June end qtr ..… as the Q1 revenue / results of Infosys were expected to be very good…..and I knew that the stock will move up during July 1 st week…….and it did move up very fast during July& Read More...
u live by the sword u r killed by the sword Mr Nair....guess....u know about Mr. MK Gandhi....he spent his life preaching non-violence.....but was killed by a bullet......got a violent end to his precious life..... i am no way close to him....and dont have any liking to get shot by these ICICI Read More...
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