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Member Since:May 29, 2009
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: Graduate MBBS
Food and Drinks: Chicken CurryBooks: NILMovie Stars: Dev Anand,Akshay Kumar etcMovies: Qayamat Se Qayamat takT.V. Shows: Man vs Wild(Discovery Channel)Music: Recent good hindi songs.
Food and Drinks: Chicken Curry
Books: NIL
Movie Stars: Dev Anand,Akshay Kumar etc
Movies: Qayamat Se Qayamat tak
T.V. Shows: Man vs Wild(Discovery Channel)
Music: Recent good hindi songs.
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Indigo is Best airline in Indian aviation history
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
I was not a regular flier until I found Indigo.Most of the time I used Rajdhani Express.Flied once in 2-3 years and preferred Kingfisher or Indian Airlines. Read more...
Tata Sky not HD ready still showing ads on TV ,We
Reviewed Tata Play
Well when I saw that Tata Sky is showing ads on Television, its Site that now it has gone HD and you can can watch 2010 FIFA World Cup in HD, I thought wait fRead more...
Excellent Product with some small issues
Reviewed Samsung-AW12ZKB
Well I bought two Samsung ACs Model no AW12ZKB last year.I went for samsung because their website better explained the product as well as I was able to decidRead more...
Reviewed Overnite Express - Delhi
Actually I purchased some cds and dvds online from webmallindia.com and they were sent to me by Overnite Express Courier company from Mumbai.I belong to smallRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on abhi1609's review
Commented on abhi1609's review
please delete this pathetic review
Rated on bhaskarpal's review
Commented on bhaskarpal's review
Can we play movies on this tv if we have stored them in external hard disk by connecting external hrd disk to tv.
Rated on lacchu_murugappan's review
Commented on lacchu_murugappan's review
Very bad review.No details given.This is site to give your honest review not to show your frustation.Matter must be reported in detail.
Rated on ppdddas's review
Commented on ppdddas's review
Indigo is best.This is not a valid reason for submitting a negative review.You should have enquired earlier.I always fly on indigo and they have never let me down.
Rated on electrosam's review
Commented on electrosam's review
Yes Totally agree with you.Its best airline.Always on time until there are situation beyond there control.Very affordable price.Have not seen cancellation till date.Earlier I used Kingfisher airline or Rajdhani Express trainbut now I always prefer indigo.Keep it up indigo.
Commented on tomcy's review
Agree with amarsingh .They are also not removing chinese subtitles from ngc hd.
Rated on tomcy's review
Rated on kunal21111974's review
Commented on rishi2504's review
On standby mode press info-menu-mute-power in this sequnce on remote.You will enter service menu of tv.Make adjustment in deflection.Press power to exit menu once adjustment is made.This will solve your problem.
Rated on shikhaaberi's review
Commented on Cuttackam's review
Mr Tata Sky U just edited your review.Earlier you said u ordered the box over phone to Tata Sky at 8:00 P.M. in evening and and got it 12:00 P.M. other days.Customer is not fool Mr Tata Sky . IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE TATA SKY PLEASE .TELLING LIE WILL NOT HELP.
Incorrect Mr Dushie How come customers can book them online its not available.Please correct your knowledge.You can go to their site and verify.Tata Sky HD is not available online.As far as HD is concerned every one know that HD has good picture quality that is why it is called High Defination.
Commented on own review
Rightly said .They should immediately stop their ads.First make hd available everywhere then show it.It is just their policy to spoil dish truHD party.
Commented on rohit_verma's review
Friend your matter is a serious one.Though I am not a user of Airtel DTH but I am user of Airtel mobile since last 5 years.Its true that they are full of greed be it mobile or DTH.Only good thing is that they are unbeatable in their technology be it a mobile or DTH they use most superior tecnology.B Read More...
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