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Member Since:Dec 07, 2008
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IndiGo is a truly performing airline
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
Hello !I took IndiGo 6E 178 from Mumbai to Delhi on 16th December 2010. It was my onward flight on a trip to Delhi with my Grandparents. This was in fact my fRead more...
JetLite is fine, not that bad
Reviewed JetLite
Hello !If you look at other reviews here about JetLite, you might dont want to fly on it. Most reviews here state that JetLite is bad. But I have had niRead more...
Idea No Longer Changes Your Life !
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Idea is supposed to be older and good network. Basically its AT&T network which was in very early generations of mobile in India. Later it is ran by TatRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on imediadreamg5's review
Just because they do not have IFE and cotton, they don't become arrogant. IndiGo is budget airline hence provides limited in cabin service.
Commented on mayankjain01's review
Infants have no baggage allowance usually. As per Govt guidelines, a person can't carry more than 7kg of carry on. No matter if your group is occupying half of the plane, a person booked on later flight can't board an earlier flight. Its not a bus or train to make such arrangements.
Commented on B_Bhushan's review
It is solely your responsibility to check baggage allowance and rules at the time of booking or before you fly. Since you were carrying extra weight you were liable to pay.
Commented on bhavikthaker's review
Why don't you carry fragile items as carry on ? Baggage handles have hundreds of bags to handle and they are on schedule so its less likely that Fragile mark on the box/bag will make a difference.
Commented on Patnayak's review
If everyone keeps giving reason as for why they weren't there 45 minutes before, no flight could take off. Its solely your responsibility to reach the check in counter ahead of time. It is expected that you check in 2 hours before departure. Why people even want to go by 45 minutes limit.
Rated on shan2328's review
Commented on v_sree2001's review
IndiGo operates Airbus A320, all the aircraft's wings do flap and make noise during take off. The whole aircraft rattles when it lifts up. Its not unusual. Infact IndiGo has newest fleet in India. Since its a budget carrier you won't get ear plugs.
Commented on anilkumarindu's review
IndiGo is the only airline in India making profit. It is solely travelers responsibility to reach well ahead of time at the correct check-in counter. They in fact open special extra counters and announce so at the last 10 minutes of closure time.
Commented on sumanika's review
Well IndiGo has nothing to do with your late arrival at the check-in counter. Its your responsibility to present ticket at check-in counter before 45 minutes of departure and get boarding pass.
Commented on sumitra_vc's review
ALL low cost airlines charge 750 INR rescheduling or cancellation fee. They are low cost, this is one of the sources to get income. If you want free cancellation and rescheduling, go book on an expensive airline where they already charge you for that. Read ticket rules properly before blaming on air Read More...
Commented on tosridhar's review
Don't blame on airline when mistake was yours. It is your responsibility to enter correct name and have same name on ID.
Commented on sureshvasu's review
Don't blame on airline if you were carrying more baggage weight. You have to pay for it.
Commented on superbrandniranjan's review
If you want to reschedule on own, why didn't you book on your own on the website?
Commented on rockang's review
IndiGo has best ontime record than any other airline. Still delays happen. They are 90% on time and you experienced a flight in remaining 10%.
Commented on powerwillgod900's review
Its not IndiGo's fault. Your personal problems are handled by yourself. Why they will transfer you for your convenience ?
Commented on sunil_india's review
I think you were simply fooled by agent. Have you called airlines and confirmed if he is actual agent or not ? IndiGo can’t help if you blindly trusted someone,.
Commented on vishalgrover's review
I have had better food on IndiGo and tea/coffee was available. SpiceJet food is in fact not so good.
Commented on anshulbansal's review
Stop blaming airlines when you are late. It is your responsibility to reach at least 1 hour before scheduled departure. IndiGo is certainly better than other low cost carriers, is safe and most importantly on time landings.
Commented on fdsouza15's review
IndiGo infact allowed you 5 extra minutes. It is not possible for any airline in the world to hold flights upon request of passengers. It is your responsibility to reach 2 hours before departure, not leave home 2 hours before departure.
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