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Member Since:Aug 01, 2004
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My day job is to run a chemical plant (metal based liquid catalyst), married with 2 children (14 year old boy who is a juvenile diabetic/cricketer and an 11 year old girl who plays flute in school band), wife is a medical practitioner. Like to spend free time virtually dancing with the waves emitted from my transducers, use light to paint on celluloid, use computer as a communicating tool and for self-improvement, be it a hobby or as a source of knowledge and information of interest. In a nutshell I am an audiophile, serious amateur photographer and a computer freak. I picked up the passion for photography from my mom who took most of my pictures when I was in pampers. I have been doing serious photography (on and off, due to time constraints) since last 15-20 years. My first camera was gift given to me back in 1970. The first SLR I used (borrowed at that time)was a Nikon almost 25 years back and exposed one role of film, to my horror not a single one was exposed properly, in fact not even printable. I was depressed and yet made a commitment to myself that I must learn how to shoot well. That is the reason for my indulgence in trying to manipulate the celluloid by using light (borrowed from nature, from time to time). As for audio, I remember the early years when my father used to play music on his Grundig Radiogram. The equipment with Ivory switches and teak cabinet fascinated me. Looking at the black shiny disks spinning fast and with a needle on top of it producing all the sounds always intrigued me. I had no idea why the system sounded so good; today when I look back I can understand why! It was a one-piece system; everything was almost perfectly matched and had the tubes! I enjoy writing about the things related to my hobbies and I don't hesitate to share whatever I have learnt in the process, because I firmly believe that knowledge if not shared, is good for nothing. . Computer freak, Audiophile, Serious Amateur Photographer and occasional writer (on things related to my three passions. My favourite quote from Reader's Digest ''An ordinary artist is the one who can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become, a better artist is the one who can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl she used to be, but, the greatest artist is the one who can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be.''
About Me
Education: Enough to get by!
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Does your review add any value to MS database?
Reviewed Mouthshut
If you think your name is going to be mentioned in this review for your glorification on MS, you can quit now! This review isn’t about how good a writerRead more...
Many, many moons ago........
Reviewed Choosing Health food
Many, many moons ago my wife and myself were searching for our barely two year old daughter in the house, wondering where she could be since only few minutes Read more...
Celebrating Silver Jubilee on a Hot August Night!
Reviewed Hot August Night - Neil Diamond
This being the month of August, I thought it would be most appropriate for me to post the review of the HOT AUGUST NIGHT, the album by N EIL DIAMOND and in myRead more...
Improving your BOTTOM END!
Reviewed Tips on maintaining a Sound System
Home theatre and audio buffs, mainly new comer?s, invariably add a subwoofer to their systems just because it is a fad to have one installed and also everyoneRead more...
3 in 1 treat!
Reviewed Philips DVD 963SA
I am not ashamed to admit that in the last three years I have ended up buying four DVD players. The first one was the Philips DVD-761K, which after a year staRead more...
Are your dreams devoid of musical passages?
Reviewed Renaissance of the Celtic Harp - Alan Stivell
The doorbell rings, I open the door and its the mailman with a package in his hand addressed to me. While trying to identify the package and the sender,Read more...
Sade's String of Pearls!
Reviewed The Best of Sade
If I were restricted to review Sade?s music in just five words, they would be sensual, passionate, feminine, melodious and soulful. Removing one word from theRead more...
Digital Zoom or Optical Zoom, which one to choose
Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
I have come across many reviews here at MS on digital cameras where the member invariably has very high praise on the capability of the Digital Zoom range theRead more...
Titillating your feelings with primal magic!
Reviewed Primal Magic - Strunz Farah
We come across scores of musical pieces/songs that evoke memories of the good times or make us melancholy, yet, there are other types of music which can inducRead more...
Making an Effective Presentation
Reviewed Delivering an Effective Speech
Gosh! It?s not easy to give presentations, is it? Why is it that many start sweating just thinking about the activity that they are required to perform? CouldRead more...
From Flicker to Flatter!
Reviewed Philips 170S5FB
Eons ago when I upgraded my monitor from monochrome to colour, it was THE most exciting upgrade of that era. Flickering screen was probably not even acknowledRead more...
DVD Video's to choose system by!
Reviewed DVD in your Home Theater
Traditionally I have always been a music listener rather than a videophile. Lately I have been watching concerts on the DVD?s as well, therefore, I decided toRead more...
Back-up Solutions - What choices do we have?
Reviewed General Tips on Computers
INTRODUCTION Every computer user who has lost data knows how important it is to always have a back-up. Losing the operating system due to worms and viruses iRead more...
Flat Panel monitor or bulky standard monitor?
Reviewed Choosing a Monitor
Many of us have been toying with the idea of switching to LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) monitors completely but a couple of drawbacks of LCD technology have alwRead more...
An artist within you!
Reviewed Clicking Good Photographs
Anyone can take good photographs with any camera. Creating good photographs has less to do with the equipment you have and more with the composition you use -Read more...
Music to choose system by!
Reviewed Choosing a Sound System
Most of us would agree that the basic need for the audio equipment is to reproduce the sound of MUSIC. Live music event is something to cherish, be it classicRead more...
Looks and Performance
Reviewed Philips ACT7583
Philips ACT7583is very capable of quality in terms of sound. The headphones are not just good but nicely designed and are comfortable. The battery compartmenRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on kspv's review
You covered most of the aspects and did it with easy to follow text for a newbie :)
Rated on kspv's review
Rated on mock's review
Rated on jai_coer's review
Commented on own review
Well to be honest the best option is to generally go for the same type of speakers if it is home threatre setup. This will ensure the sensitivities and SPL of speakers to be very well matched. If one goes into details than the other aspects of the speakers are also important like timbre and tonal qu Read More...
Its very difficult to say which sub $500 subwoofer I would recommend since I have no idea what you can get in your area, if you can give me a rundown of subs available I can maybe give some advise. As for low end, the main culprit is the Philips 727K that you use in your system, it has a very loo Read More...
Rated on gurusmaran's review
Commented on mbfarookh's review
...is being subscribed in our household since 60’s, first it was in the name of my father, later it was me and now we get it in my son’s name. Infact, I just picked up the latest edition from the lobby downstairs 10 minutes ago. :) We also order various books from RD Online from Time Read More...
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Commented on Faerie's review
Your entire review was spot on but my personal favourite part of your review was the last portion where you start of saying 'On a more serious note' that bit I particularly like very much. It's very well put and in my opinion the most important part of you well penned reveiw. I thought I'd drop b Read More...
Rated on Faerie's review
Rated on nikunjm's review
Commented on jai_coer's review
......and the sense of respect you accorded to these faires is comendable. By the way, I have LP's from sixties like Ram aur Shyam, Mere Mehboob etc and Waheeda Rehman was always spelled with a 'W' never with a 'V', I thought I'd just mention that for record. Great review once again. Anis
I cannot agree more with you on that. Anis
Rated on cool_tanmay's review
Rated on keerti_007's review
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