My day job is to run a chemical plant (metal based liquid catalyst), married with 2 children (14 year old boy who is a juvenile diabetic/cricketer and an 11 year old girl who plays flute in school band), wife is a medical practitioner. Like to spend free time virtually dancing with the waves emitted from my transducers, use light to paint on celluloid, use computer as a communicating tool and for self-improvement, be it a hobby or as a source of knowledge and information of interest. In a nutshell I am an audiophile, serious amateur photographer and a computer freak.
I picked up the passion for photography from my mom who took most of my pictures when I was in pampers. I have been doing serious photography (on and off, due to time constraints) since last 15-20 years. My first camera was gift given to me back in 1970. The first SLR I used (borrowed at that time)was a Nikon almost 25 years back and exposed one role of film, to my horror not a single one was exposed properly, in fact not even printable. I was depressed and yet made a commitment to myself that I must learn how to shoot well. That is the reason for my indulgence in trying to manipulate the celluloid by using light (borrowed from nature, from time to time).
As for audio, I remember the early years when my father used to play music on his Grundig Radiogram. The equipment with Ivory switches and teak cabinet fascinated me. Looking at the black shiny disks spinning fast and with a needle on top of it producing all the sounds always intrigued me. I had no idea why the system sounded so good; today when I look back I can understand why! It was a one-piece system; everything was almost perfectly matched and had the tubes!
I enjoy writing about the things related to my hobbies and I dont hesitate to share whatever I have learnt in the process, because I firmly believe that knowledge if not shared, is good for nothing. . Computer freak, Audiophile, Serious Amateur Photographer and occasional writer (on things related to my three passions.
My favourite quote from Readers Digest An ordinary artist is the one who can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become, a better artist is the one who can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl she used to be, but, the greatest artist is the one who can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be.