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Member Since:Jul 05, 2006
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Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on moviefreak's review
Commented on moviefreak's review
I too agree with Satish and Diwakar. Your review is very biased and is not objective. Try to be focussed on the merits and demerits of the movie rather than bringing down an actor to promote some other actors. Sorry mate.
Rated on intezar7's review
Commented on prasidddha's review
Thanks for an objective review. seems to be a good movie. Ignore those who will try to pull down the movie for reasons well known to us. I am definitely watching it this weekend. Maybe will watch it twice coz I love action flicks and I believe Hritik's stunts are awesome.
Rated on prasidddha's review
Rated on captcharisma22's review
Rated on WiCkEdKaZiM's review
Commented on WiCkEdKaZiM's review
it seems like SRK has taken it upon himself to write all these bull reviews. What a mamoth attempt to market a third class movie. I would rate KANK also 100 times better than Don. what a terribly direted and scripted flick. This is Farhan's worst ever made film. and the he he on your review sounds l Read More...
Rated on aghori's review
Commented on aghori's review
Great review. Don new is a mega bore flick. SRk needs to take a hike.
Commented on champion_racer's review
It is Film Information . That is the Bible for Trade figures. It is not like Nahata has donecome up with some special numbers. Verdict by Indiafm is Average (despite teh fact that Indiafm is a media partner), HT is flop and u know the rest. How an analyst interprets thes figures is subjective. Po Read More...
Speaking of myself, I have liked some of SRK's previous movies like Pardes< DDLJ, Ryes Boss, Main Hoon Na and One to Ka four, but it is when an actor comes up with a bad product that he should have the modesty to accept that he has not been upto the mark and try to make improvements rather than q Read More...
his fans and his media partners go all out to prove the point that his crap movies like KANK and Don are a gift to the viewers. While u are quoting guys like Abid and Joginder Tuteja who are righties of SRK. Joginder Tuteja is one of the biggest righty of SRK, please also refer to the trade report o Read More...
Rated on yodho's review
Commented on yodho's review
One doesen't have to justify the product so much. The product is there for all to either accept or reject. People have a sense of how the movie has been faring and they will come to a conclusion on their own. Blatant publcity of this nature can be counterproductive.
Rated on champion_racer's review
Rated on bhuvneshvar's review
Rated on jpan3709's review
Commented on KarlitoKingboy77's review
It is in Indiafm boxoffice report which is given in the domestic box office report section. If u go region by region and centre bycentre, Don is a complete failure in the 1st week in North. 1.7 crores in Delhi during Diwali and Idd is a below average performance when u compare 3.8 crores with KANK, Read More...
Rated on jayaghosh2k's review
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