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Member Since:Sep 07, 2004
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Education: MBA
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on rvbbabu's article
Need information Thank you so much for the informative feedback on this treadmill. Would you know as to what is the maximum user weight that this model can support? From what i understand is that for heavier people a higher powered motor would be required to perform / last adequately. Would you be a Read More...
Afton treadmill - A fresh look ( Dec-09)
Commented on psatya's review
I agree. I purchased this system in Jan 2002 for Rs. 6000/- and it has functioned without a problem to date. For that price i could not get a better bargain.
Commented on sujanroy's review
' I hate the T9 predictive input to type SMS 'How did you manage to activate this. Could you guide me on the same.
Commented on blackStallion76's review
Nice review. Has anybody done any comparison on the Driver seat height. I am looking at the small car segment want to go in for a car which has a high driver seat because of a back problem that i have. I was never considering the Xeta till now bearing in mind reliability issues of the car. But after Read More...
Rated on srinv's review
Commented on vinoth_sb's review
I picked up the CP 3200 2 years ago.. and it works like a breeze. No problems till date... unlike a Kodak that my father has. The only fault i could find is it takes its own sweet time between shots.
Rated on vinoth_sb's review
Commented on k10ryan's review
I bought my Nikon CP 3200 over a year back and it has been flawless. I got the same set of stuff as you did, but went in for a 128 MB card instead. I picked up mine though for 11K minus the memory card a year back
Commented on omnibook's review
I picked up an iRiver IFP 890T recently. Simply awesome. Really love it... and the battery life... just goes on and on and on...
Commented on skynet013's review
I picked the 6100 up last month and it sure is a great phone. Excellent battery life... and charges in an hr and a half or so. Real good and the speakerphone is excellent too. Am pleased as punch.
Commented on kalil.rahman's review
Tell me what does one do when one has already spilt a glass of lime juice on the laptop. I tried cleaning it using a soft cloth but a couple of the keys have become real sticky. Any tips!!!
Commented on brohit's review
I believe the Hyundai Accent GTX (Tornado) also uses a DOHC engine.
Rated on arunroy's review
Commented on Murzellosf's review
I too picked up the 2514AT in Aug, 04 and by the grace of god have not faced the battery problems that you have... Hope the same for the future too... I am getting 2 hrs even on Wifi...
Rated on mihirihim's review
Commented on mihirihim's review
I have been using a SM 56 modem for the past 5 yrs and i am in total agreement with you. It never ever disconnects... unless i want it to that is and it gives rock solid performance. I am really impressed.
Commented on betterlife's review
One look into most of the pantry cars on the trains would give you a pretty good idea of Hygiene.
Commented on sawant_avinash's review
I have a CBZ too... a Jan 2000 model. I have clocked over 60, 000 kms on it and it constantly delivers me 45 kpl. The best part about it is that i have spent nearly nothing on the service. The replacements that i had to make till now are: 1. Headlight Bulb 2 2. Left Indicator light 1 3. A new b Read More...
Commented on thinkuse's review
The small lil thing does play nearly everything... and plays it well. The pic sure is crystal clear but cant say the same about the sound. Need to try out the crack now to make it region free. But a great buy at that price.
Rated on thinkuse's review
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