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Member Since:Dec 06, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a happy go luck guy, just taking things as they come, trying to have fun as things happen. . Music is one of my passions, no i dont sing (Thank god!), nor play any instrument, but listen to lots of music. Good, bad, Ugly bring them on. I have a varied taste ranging from Pop, Rock, Rap to Hip Hop. The other thing i like most is to travel, i been to lots of countries in south east asia. Explore the beautiful beaches and lush forests, exquiste locales and different cultures.
About Me
Education: B.E
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Opera 8.0 beta
Reviewed Opera
Where doI begin?. Ok, here it goes. Opera has been around for really long,I have been using it on and off from version 6.0 I guess. But with the new firefox bRead more...
The ultimate audio/video player
Reviewed Cowon Jet Audio
SoI hear all this buzz about iTunes and Winamp and music match being the best players around. SoI am set out to prove them all wrong here. No offense guys,I wRead more...
Flip phones and Nokia
Reviewed Nokia 6260
I always wanted a good flip phone, thats not a problem is it? There are a lot of flip phones in the market, so whatz the problem. The problem isI love Nokia mRead more...
Costly but worth it!
Reviewed IBM Thinkpad R51
I was going through a couple of reviews on IBM laptops here at the forum and looks likeI am going to be in the loner club of IBM lovers. So here it goes. I boRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on irfan_azeez's review
These are my observations 1) The phone has not be introduced in the market anywhere. 2) Its a 3g phone with quad band and UMTS 3) It has a 3 MP camera, bluetooth, IR 4) Its the smallest smart phone with WiFi built in and with UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). And you say the phone has no new fe Read More...
Rated on gia25's review
Rated on ady348's review
Commented on Abiananth's review
I agree with almost everything you said, but dont see how you think this will be a good career. Maybe a good starting place, so that you move into something else, but a good career, I dont think so. Keep your reviews coming, its a interesting read!!. Cheers, Sanith.
Rated on Abiananth's review
Commented on amrita's review
Agreed that everyone has a right to a opinion. Some more extreme than others. But pushing it a little too far here arent u?. So watz wrong in showing something abt a anglo-indian family?, ever know someone like that?. I do! They use english most of the time. So its totally justified that they use Read More...
Rated on amrita's review
Rated on sanatani's review
Rated on arun_112's review
Commented on sonal114's review
Take it from me guys, Singapore may sound like a very dreamy place for first time visitors, but you dont have many places to see here. You can see the whole of place in three days time. Yes, if you interested in a quick getaway to a foreign country then Singapore is ok. Nice, safe, lots of shoppin Read More...
Commented on umestheguy's review
Nice revu, keep writing, i have missed a few of the movies in list, should see them too. Cheers, Sanith.
Commented on vapourlock's review
I read the review about the email service provider. Dont understand who you are complaining against. What problems you exactly faced? Why do you feel India is costly? etc, etc. Thanks.
Commented on psmukund's review
Your review was good, but why the title Minority report? What i saw was top 5 bollywood movies with a title called minority report, little confusing dont you think?
Rated on sbasak's review
Commented on ramati's review
I thought scorpio was 2.6L engine isnt it?. Always thought Safari has good looks, but not enough power. And you paid 9L, man thatz costly for a used car. Way too much if you ask me. Anyways, Cheers mate. Enjoy ur ride!!
Commented on nirajjasani's review
Creative might be able to create a cheaper product, but it difficult to match IPOD.
Rated on nirajjasani's review
Commented on abhishek_kanungo's review
Try using an extension called as SAGE with firefox, its a cool RSS aggregator. Also if you looking at blocking ads in your browser, download 4google2 application from download.com, that will do the trick, and guess what you add your own urls to the block or unblock list too.
Commented on jerry_mouse's review
The ads in opera can be blocked too, if you want, i found a cool piece a software that does this in download.com. All it does is blocks googlesyndication requests and behold, no ads!!, try that too, if you are very keen to block ads.
Rated on mbfarookh's review
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