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Member Since:Mar 07, 2002
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Education: B.Tech
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Running your car on LPG
Reviewed Converting Petrol Car to LPG
A whole lot of LPG conversion kits are available in the market to convert your petrol car to LPG.  Most of these kits are made in Italy.  Italians are the pioRead more...
Nifty and slim
Reviewed Acer Scan2Web 3300U
Bought this scanner about four months ago. The U in the model number indicates that it is an USB model. Set was a breeze. Put the drivRead more...
Standardised at last
Reviewed HP Vectra VL400
Afraid of buying an HP PC because of proprietory cabinets and mother boards that make upgrades difficult or only possible through HP ? . Well the HP Vectra VLRead more...
Unbelievable performance
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
I bought my RX 100 in 1986 - sixteen years of Unbelievable performance. Clocked over three lakh km without opening up the engine. Can you believe it - still oRead more...
Buy it second hand
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Esteem
You get great two year old Maruti Esteems at half the showroom price. Great value for money. Can be serviced at any of the thousands of MAS centres countrywidRead more...
BPL Mobile's Pre-Paid Service
Reviewed Loop Mobile Operator
Very easy to activate. Costs Rs 450/- for the SIM. Shop around for a good number before you buy a phone. (You tend to settle for any number if you have just bRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on sundeep's review
Commented on sundeep's review
what kind of review has - no comment on mileage, no comment on comfort, no comment on maintenance, A review must have your own impressions and your experiences with the product, otherwise we would be better off reading the advert for the product.
Rated on jolal999's review
Rated on happyhopwood's review
Rated on fatrat2001's review
Rated on mneedham's review
Rated on milinddesai's review
Rated on cuchillo99's review
Commented on cuchillo99's review
Credit card interest rates are as high as 36% per year so its not really wise to default or pay in installments (Banks love it when you make only part payments every month
Commented on amrita's review
I am sure you could lock the keypad with couple of key strokes to prevent accidental pressing of keys in your pocket. The lowly 3310 has this feature so it's big brother is bound to have it too.
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