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Member Since:Apr 22, 2008
2 MS Points
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Rude behaviour of bus driver and rash driving
Reviewed KPN Travels - Bangalore
I travelled on 6the feb from bangalore to devakottai in KPN Boarding: WILSON GARDEN(KPN) at 08:15 PM Vehicle #: KA 41A 9799 The bus driver was very rude, KRead more...
Citi Lets get it done !!!
Reviewed Citibank MasterCard Credit Card
This is the first time Im writing about my experience with Citibank. I have still not read any of the reviews of other customers. Probably I’ll do it onRead more...
6 years / 65000Km completed with unicorn
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I have purchased my unicorn in year 2006 . I have successfully completed 6 years and 65000KMs with Unicorn. I still feel the bike is new in terms of looks anRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Completed 10 years still no problem with citI bank credit cards
Commented on brbharath2010's review
Hi, Iam having unicorn from 2006 . Still not facing any problem more than 80Km completed. The bike still looks new when compared to Bajaj pulsar bikes of 2006 model. Don't give this bike to honda service center. Tell them only to wash and give your bike in front of you. Service center people exc Read More...
Commented on pkk123's review
I have been using citibank for last 6 years. I too agree with your comments. swami
Commented on amol_k2210's review
citibank is The best bank . I totally agree with you . the customer service is excellent when compared to hsbc, icici, abnamro, etc. once I called Hsbc to know my bal , the customer service was horrible ,they don't know how to speak with customers. its very hard to get connected to hsbc . they don' Read More...
Rated on amol_k2210's review
Commented on shansarav's review
Chennai is a coastal area. Rusting is common in coastal area. It may be your mistake that you didn't take care of your bike properly, that it resulted in rusting of the petrol tank. May be you left the petrol tank empty for months and tried to use the bike recently........who knows? or may be yo Read More...
Commented on aditimanish's review
Dear manish , don't get confused . Unicorn is THE BEST bike. I too find paints worn out from my bikes mono suspension.. Its not rust ...but it looks like rust. regarding your question on starting problem. there is no such problem with my bike since last 2.5 years. I suggest you to buy Unicorn Read More...
Rated on jebby's review
Commented on jinoy_anto's review
very well written review about Unicorn. keep it up !!! The horn should be louder , even I feel the same way . people don’t come to know that you are behind them until you keep pressing the horn.
Rated on jinoy_anto's review
Commented on stage-99's review
All banks sell the defaulted accounts to collection agencies and wash off there hands. so , Citibank is not directly involved in this matter. for example if I default Rs 10000 , I don’t pay this amount to bank. They will sell this account to some collection agency for some amount. This collection Read More...
Im a new user of Google Picasa 2. initially I was very happy with this new software as I was able to share my photos with everyone. but, now I hate this software because I lost all my photos due to this software. This software is not designed properly. as soon as you install this on your com Read more...
Commented on adidhar's review
Dear friend ....BUY UNICORN !! that would be my advice to all ...including you. Unicorn will give you a good mileage of approx 60km/h even in city condition. Unicorn is the best when compared to all other bikes. Pulsar looks like a kid’s toy with all funny fittings like LCD display, lights in Read More...
Commented on MouthshutAmbar's review
Yes I too agree with you. Citibank ATMs are less crowded when compared to other banks. The customer service is excellent compared to other banks.
Rated on danny.crusier's review
Commented on danny.crusier's review
hi...........its was really nice to read your review. you have written what i felt about unicorn. It will be nice if honda launches a 250cc bike .
Commented on venu84's review
hi, I too felt the same way as you feel when i bought my unicorn. you can't compare unicorn with pulsar. because unicorn is THE BEST in everything. I'm sure you will enjoy being a 'WING RIDER' and surely try your hands on racing your spirit . Unicorn is a excellent machine to race. I'm sure nobody Read More...
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