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Member Since:Apr 27, 2009
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Education: MA
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Worst decision of my life
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PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on SRNAIR's article
Song continued Motherland cradle me, close my eyes, lullaby me to sleep. Keep me safe, lie with me, stay beside me don't go. It's your happiness I want most of all and for that I'd do anything at all, oh mercy me! If you want the best of it or the most of all, if there's anything I can do at Read More...
Hey daddy, Great Poem. This poem reminds me of Natalie Merchant's Song ''Motherland.'' In fact, I was listening to this song when I saw your poem. Where in the hell can you go far from the things that you know Far from the sprawl of concrete that keeps crawling it's way about 1,000 miles a day? Read More...
Daddy, Individuals should oft hanker after a renaissance of the mind and soul which is aptly titled evolution. The modern world has indeed forgotten the very road that leads to the appreciation of true art and the simple pleasures of life. This poem of your reminds me of the lines of an Irish song t Read More...
Dear Daddy, people live comfortably by carving out these niches. Without conforming to these patterns they cannot live. Many just love ’’Thinking within the box’’ but there are only a few who decide to ’’think out of the box’’ and that is the sustaining force of civilization. A wonderful poem endowe Read More...
Dear Daddy, Very true indeed.... a tree never makes any kind of distiction on where it should grow. It is all embracing and will grow wherever it is planted and I wish many men/women would be like the tree. Images are very biblical and seer like. Reminds me of Isaiah a particular section..... cannot Read More...
One of the finest rhetorical poems written in modern times which brims with sarcasm portraying the decadence of thought on the part of mankind. If it were not for those select few among our ancestors who decided to evolve with regard to thought patterns we would be still be swinging high and low fr Read More...
Commented on nagaraj127's article
Mr. Nagaraj Bhooplalam, Thank you for eulogising my father in your diary post. However I must add that my dad does not write for a prize or for the attention of anyone. Always remember a writer writes because he feels a compelling force within him that stirs him to do it. As an artist I am able to u Read More...
Gifted writer Prof.SRNAIR.
I think I agree with Nishant's analysis of your poem. He has aptly found a lot of similarities with Blake's poem and this one. Juxtaposition of varying personalities of the kids is very well presented..... (even though they hail from the same tree) :) Love, Dimple.
Dear Daddy, A poem very well written and would have thrown even Wordsworth off his ground. A short story in verse is what I would term it as, but very adroitly rendered. The images are all strikingly original and the ragpicker in your poem walks with a dignified air about him...making him a modern P Read More...
Commented on angel_babe55's article
Dear Angel, I totally agree with you on this. MS has to do the needful and try to prevent this offensive stuff from getting posted on their sites. Hope you are keeping well. Warm regards, Dimple Smith.
MS What's Happening? I Dont Want To Leave But...
Dear Daddy, Remarkable poem. Sorry a little bit late on commenting.Did read it earlier, but took time to assimilate the lines and digest them in my soul’s intestines.:) All beautiful and heavenly things created are perceived in the trappings of minds before they evolve and emerge into the atmosph Read More...
Commented on Ajay_1977's article
Nice story. Your power of observation on slices of life is very well depicted in this story. This reminds me of Somerset Maugham's story ''Rain''. Thanks for the story. Regards, Dimple Nair Smith.
## Story of a Teacher -1 ##
Rated on sydbarett's review
Commented on sydbarett's review
Dear Mr. Nishant, Amazing review of one of the greatest books on life. You have highlighted the most important aspects of the book. I sure do hope you read his novellas too. You would make a very serious student and critic of literature.:) Makes me very delighted to know that people of the youn Read More...
Commented on viratbond's article
Dear Virat, Congratulations on your DP being selected as an FP. You have a way with words and more so you have the right enthusiasm with regard to life. Your positive attitude blended with your accumulation of knowledge and wisdom will definitely take you places. Appreciated this piece of wri Read More...
~Destiny's Child~
Hello Hello...Nice to see little sis here.:) Very nice poem with a differet vein altogether from the previous ones. Made me laugh with the images. You are able to blend both sublime and the ridiculous elements in your poem with such ease that it is hard to find the discerning line that divides t Read More...
Quite often when we feel we have arrived at the threshold of complete understanding it is only then we realise we haven't. The horizon keeps shifting ...from a distance it appears as though it is arrivable( Sorry coined my own word, if it does not exist) but then when we keep trudging we know that Read More...
Thank you very much for this piece of the past which I presume you may have forgotten to narrate to us. Harmony enjoyed this completely and she filled her cheeks up with air pretending to be Hanuman.heheheh. Love, Dimple.
Dear Angel, This truly hurts my soul and pains me to know that children are being hurt in many parts of the world. In my opinion a person who harms a child needs to be put behind bars forever. Dimple.
Daddy It ...Hurts!
Dear Daddy, Remarkable poem and I have to add that Mr. Deepak called it a song as your lines can be sung.He sees the singable quality in your poem. I know he is right. Nishant is becoming an excellent critic of poetry as he has definitely highlighted the most important lines of your poem and p Read More...
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