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Member Since:Sep 15, 2012
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Education: Medical Doctor.Chest physician
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Rename This Company- Free-to-loot@matrix.in
Reviewed Matrix Mobile Operator
First of all their logo should be: Matrix....makes utter non-sense. I purchased two sim cards from Matrix in 2nd week June for use in July. For this Matrix tRead more...
Complaint ID: 383906. Case no 3001408397
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
With reference to case no.and complaint no.as above, I purchased a mobile from Indiatimes.com, paid for it by net banking.Soon afterwords I changed my mind, cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Java_Experience's review
Commented on shane_10's review
Give this guy negative rating and worst scores.He wont' be able to do business within ebay.Ebay has a very strong ethics value and don't tolerate cheats. If you're not happy with your product,raise a dispute with ebay.You'll get your money back and will have the seller on his knees licking you. Bel Read More...
Rated on thakkdar's review
Commented on own review
I got the refund due to my reviews posted and hosted by mouthshut.com Thanks mouth shut.
Commented on mk4821's review
We get your message.I think it's prudent to use a prepaid plan for wireless net-connect to prevent misuse by the very people who give you the wireless broadband. One thing we as consumers MUST realize that we should always open a dispute with service providers and publish their monopolistic policie Read More...
Rated on mk4821's review
Commented on ssudhans's review
Not surprised at all !
Rated on ssudhans's review
Dear All, After much persistence and dogged determination,I was able to persuade Indiatimes.com to refund my netbanking amount.I thank them for this. However the general public should still be wary of dealing with this band of bandits at all times.They are not ebay.Ebay is the best shopping experi Read More...
Rated on msdeepak's review
Rated on mgopalinn's review
Commented on h_j1973's review
We should complain to the Police .Their Delhi office is located in Daryaganj,New Delhi which falls under Darya ganj police station.
Rated on h_j1973's review
Commented on Karthikcool's review
complaint ID – 383906. Case no 3001408397 With reference to case no.and complaint no.as above,I purchased a mobile from Indiatimes.com, paid for it by net banking.Soon afterwords I changed my mind, cancelled the purchase and requested for refund of my money.This was on 24th August2012.That’s wher Read More...
Rated on Karthikcool's review
Commented on shruthiiyerr's review
I totally agree with this lady that one should never ,never,NEVER do any transactions with Indiatimes.com.Like our politicians they are cheats.They will never do any transaction to your satisfactions. To complicate matters they never give their physical address lest people start filing cases of che Read More...
Followed shruthiiyerr
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