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New York
Member Since:Jun 06, 2007
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Alitalia, the worst European airline
Reviewed Alitalia
Last summer I did a quick intra-europe flight on Alitalia from Amsterdam to Milan. (AMS-MXP) Chekin at Amsterdam great. The counter was actually empty sinceRead more...
A reliable company with average service
Reviewed Continental Airlines
Continental is usually used by me on the EWR-DEL routes for they are most convenient and punctual; however service is nothing incredible. Flights are always oRead more...
Air India...Where did I go wrong?
Reviewed Air India
Air India....where do I begin?? Lets begin on the first leg of my flight, New York-London. After an orderly check in (at the waaaaay back of the terminal) wRead more...
Flying the bad times
Reviewed Kingfisher Airlines
Kingfisher is not a disgrace to India (like AI) but is definitely nowhere near Jet Airways standards. While the ground crew is beyond words, offering free KinRead more...
Jet Airways....the best ride in the sky!!!
Reviewed Jet Airways
Having flown Air India, Indian (Airlines), and Kingfisher Airlines domestically throughout India, I have always set a preference for Jet Airwways. They have pRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on vicsib's review
AIR INDIA SUCKS!!! I am totally ont he same page with you there. I have only flown it once which is on the same route as you..JFK-LHR-BOM and i have found the service to be incompetent and unprofessional....to see my review, on this airline, go to the title...Air India...Where did i go wrong?
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Rated on Ananth's review
Commented on Ananth's review
Yes I am sure we are all informed about Indian business and the government's impact on it...but you are writing an airline review. Talk more about the service!
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