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Member Since:Jul 19, 2002
0 MS Points
Am a simple person at heart, have some good friends, enjoy my work and my interests, hope to do something to make this world a better place (tho i try to in small ways already!) . Love reading, going for walks, sitting by the beach pondering about life, enjoy expanding my horizons by interacting with people, photography (am an amateur tho!), playing the flute (learning the 'strings'), and my work! I enjoy reading quotes, started jotting down many since my teen years... these have helped shaped my character. I have a lot of 'favourite' (actually, this word is not appropriate, as there are too many I like) sayings. For now, these from my collection: Pettiness and grandeur, malice and charity, hatred and love, can find place side by side in the same human heart. - Somerset Maugham If more people talked with a view to communicate, if more people listened with a view to act... then there'd be no limits to what man could achieve. - (wonder who wrote this oh-so-apt saying?) .
About Me
Education: M.Com.
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NAAF - National Association of Adoptive Families
Reviewed Naaf-India
While no one can deny that heredity is also a crucial factor, it takes considerable egotism to believe that one’s own genes are the most worRead more...
Ssooooothingg... and soulful
Reviewed Ghazals From Films - Jagjit Singh & Chitra Singh
Ghazals are a soothing balm when feeling down or just if you are in a mood to feel melancholic (Im guessing most guys might not Read more...
R e l e v a n t !
Reviewed Kabira Khada Bazaar Mein
Kabira Khada Bazaar Mein gave its inaugural performance at the Prithvi Theatre Festival this month. It is about Kabir, the outstanding Indian saint-poet. WhaRead more...
A thought-provoking play
Reviewed Agni-Leek
Agni-Leek premiered at the Prithvi Theatre festival that is currently on and among the few I saw at the festival upto now, this one was the best! (also seen &Read more...
Just not Value for Money
Reviewed Just Around The Corner - Bandra - Mumbai
Just Around the Corner, a self-service joint located in a Bandra by-lane, (as well as in Churchgate) is just not value for money. I say that cause the pricesRead more...
Meet one of the people behind Google!
Reviewed Google
Hi all, Each one of you, at one time or another, must have used Google.com the search engine. We usually go back to it for one main reason - it is so simple Read more...
Contests2Win - a Win-Win situation!!
Reviewed Contests2Win
Contests2Win.com or c2w.com (for short) is one of the best contesting sites that I have come across. I am a regular at it and have won a few teeny-meeny thinRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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Commented on saaz_ar's review
Hey Amith, I really envy you, I missed the play, it was completely booked when I went to get the tickets! Hope it runs again soon... Anyways, this was an extremely well-written review on a play with a topic that is so hushed up in our society. Kudos to you!!! I'd known about the play since Read More...
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