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Member Since:Jan 19, 2010
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Tradus worked fine for me unlike my expectations
Reviewed Tradus
I didnt have much hopes from tradus with most of the negative reviews in mouthshut however I still gave it a try as I ordered a 4gb microsd card from the websRead more...
Always go for dell for a good service
Reviewed Dell Studio 14
Some of you might have bad experience with dell but if you compare this dell with any of its competition it will rock any day. I have studio 1435 and more on Read more...
Never go to mobile store or even spice hot spot
Reviewed The Mobile Store - Delhi
This is issued in the public interest who go to these retail outlets to save some of their hard earned money and come out as a slaughtered goat. this is not oRead more...
Surprisingly satisfied with reliance net connect
Reviewed Reliance Netconnect
I hope not that reliance may get a shock that a single consumer is praising them since they are not used to it. With reliance as the brand name u can rarely Read more...
How to get best from mouthshut review
Reviewed Rating Reviews on MouthShut
Well mouthshut is one of the most interactive and unbiased tool where users can share open experience of the products and service the have encountered. many pRead more...
A value for money phone
Reviewed Nokia 5230
Got myself a new 5230 a month ago and now have gone through this set thoroughly I can say that this is the best entry level touch screen from nokia this is beRead more...
Refer HCL to an enemy .
Reviewed HCL Laptops
HCL is a s#cking company I came to know after buying there laptop, they have the poorest quality of material in the laptop. to start with the first month. 1)Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on 07.manish's review
u love sbi then earth will become heavens for you if u use citibank cards or for that matter any other,sbi is a fraud.
Rated on abdriver2000's review
Commented on abdriver2000's review
the biggest fraud are sbi people,i ve same sbi card and citibank indian oil card.
Commented on rohit_gxr's review
can i ve yer ps3 iff u dnt need it
Rated on swarnkash's review
Commented on swarnkash's review
well i dnt believe you as the product you ordered have an mrp of rs.3230 and is available in flipkart at rs.1760. source http://www.flipkart.com/home-appliances/mixer-grinder-juicers/itmdyczgtbxzezku?pid=mixdyczd5nzrmfam seems you are an employ of infibeam or indiatimes shopping here to malign Read More...
Rated on martian1323's review
Rated on wantmore403's review
Commented on wantmore403's review
dnt blame the whole people for your bad trip
Commented on ArjunUdayakumar's review
citi is the best,they offer 5 star lounge in in igi airports exclusively,free parking in some malls and great discount in movies and other stores.i love it and they do not loot the customer,once i missed my bill by a month,on talking to them they waived off the charges since i am regular user.
Rated on ArjunUdayakumar's review
Commented on kadasani's review
where on the universe you got a car company named marutHi????/ its maruti.
Commented on P_sivam's review
its uttaranchal.or uttrakhand to be specific,not utranchal
Rated on mayuri123's review
Commented on mayuri123's review
its a shame on comedy.
Rated on ruchikacoolinn's review
Commented on ruchikacoolinn's review
its a particular lady review of the car,you spoke a lot but didn't get to know anything about the car apart from your confusion of choosing between trendline and comfortline and the closeness of ford showroom near Volkswagen one. dnt want to offend you,anyways congratulation for your new car,happy r Read More...
Rated on inowits's review
Rated on swapc's review
Commented on thetrueguy's review
check out tyre pressure from a good machine and fill the tyre only with the specified amount of air in the manual,not what is specified in gas station or by car expert.
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Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Simon Peter (@SimonPeter771MouthShut Verified Member)