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Member Since:Jan 16, 2004
0 MS Points
Save a HotDog! Go Veggie!. Vegetarianism/Animal Rights, Body Art/Peircings/tattoos, Art/photography/drawing/painting/sculpting,Paranormal and supernatural.
About Me
Education: high school grad
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Reviewed Heavy Metal
Ok ok this isnt a heavy metal review....want to know about Heavy Metal? I hated it. Now on to a GOOD movie. Hedwig and the Angry Inch Screenplay and DirRead more...
Atkins Low Carb Bars
Reviewed Choosing A Weight Loss Plan
After Following the Carb Addicts diet for a little over a year and exercising everyday along with eating low fat I lost 90 pounds. The Carb Addicts Diet is siRead more...
Mc Donalds Lighter Choices Menu
Reviewed McDonald's - Sector 61 - Noida
Mmmm From the menu I have had the California Greens Mandarin Orange salad. And oh WOW is it GOOD...it is mixed greens, with fat free raspberry vinigrette, manRead more...
BK Soy Burgers
Reviewed Burger King - Phoenix Market City - Mahadevapura - Bangalore
When I first became a Vegetarian 8 years ago I quickly learned that burger king was my new found friend. They had Veggie Whoppers. These were the days before Read more...
Subway Low Carb Wraps
Reviewed Subway - Kilpauk - Chennai
I myself am on the carb addicts diet and have lost 90 pounds so far. So when I heard about the Low carb wraps I was so excited! Bread! any time of day! YAY! Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on durgaprasad's review
fingernails in your cookies? YUK! you should write to the company and complain..i bet they will send ya a bunch of coupons for free products of theirs! :)
Rated on durgaprasad's review
Commented on thebiggeststar's review
What the HELL? Oh I am sorry, I thought this was a site about OPINIONS on products/services to be used to inform others of good products and bad products, not judging others 'monotonous' writings, or lack of flow. I JOINED this site to tell you guys about stuff that A. I think is crap don't wa Read More...
Commented on own review
no mcdonalds certainly isn't a veggie paradise! but they are making an effort :)
Rated on jilmil's review
Commented on jilmil's review
Wonderful, informative review. I disagree that turning fat to muscle is something to becareful of. Muscle burns more calories at rest then fat does. In other words when you stop exercising you burn more calories doing nothing then you would with less muscle. Also without the help of supplements and Read More...
Rated on abababbey's review
Commented on ketantendulkar's review
The McDonald's you have there must be VERY different from the ones in North America....Ours are Dirt Cheap compared to other resturants..and trendy people wouldnt spit on the side walk of a McDonalds let alone go in one! I personally like McDonalds..but hey ...I am not trendy one bit :-). Funny revi Read More...
Rated on ketantendulkar's review
ok ok I have been reading reviews :-P I have commented too :)
Commented on conter7's review
scam? my gosh! they have the pamphlet right there with fat counts on it for subs and condiments for YOU to make YOUR own choice. subway is VERY healthy as long as you dont assume since you put a leaf of lettuce on it you can load it with cheese and mayo...who here really doesnt know cheese and mayo Read More...
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Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
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