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Member Since:Apr 06, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a very outgoing person. I will not hesitate in saying that I get along with people very well. My only grudge about me is that I am frank at times, and that can lead to bitterness. I just come out openly and tell it to you , and I don't think twice about whether you would like or not. Otherwise I am a relatively quiet person, you wouldn't catch me dancing to a beat in a street festival - hmm maybe thats because I am ''stage - shy''??!! But when I am with friends, I am very joyous,and I love to discuss positive things. I am a person who values my culture above anything else. That is why despite the fact that I was born In Saudi Arabia, I can speak my Mother tongue Tamil fluently and as a bonus speak Hindi and Arabic too.(Now it would be stupid if I mentioned I could speak english too!). I hate panicking, but I myself tend to do it a lot?:P:P. And lastly - I believe in ''...come on come on - the world will follow after''. If you feel you should do something, do it !~~. Basically I enjoy travelling. I am fortunate enought to have been to many wonderful places around the world. I like making friends. I enjoy debating and sometimes ''heated'' arguments?! I am into this mad mad fantasy about planes, which explains why I like travelling because I get a chance to ride these beautiful machines. Basically at home, when I finally conquer homework - I like to go online and meet friends in yahoo. Otherwise some quality time with Dad or Mom - or if nothing is worth of interest - start up an argument with my sis ;)
About Me
Education: Student
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But then again - What should one expect?
Reviewed KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Probably, for one reading this review , one might think Oh geez! Here he goes again. I guess that is me! Well KLM was a pretty sordid Read more...
The Warehouse!!!!!?????
Reviewed Tiruchirapally, India (TRZ) Airport
I am from Tamil Nadu, but I lived in Saudi Arabia. Much of my travel from Saudi to India was to TN, And especially trichy since it cuts back travel time to myRead more...
Has seen better days
Reviewed Air India
People who have read my previous reviews already know that I travel a lot. We use Indian Airlines to Trichy, since Saudi Arabian (As was our only choice sometRead more...
Proud to serve you??!!! yeah rite
Reviewed Saudi Arabian Airlines
Being born in Saudi Arabia, I feel obliged to write a review on it. Well my dad being a travel agent , I have got a lot of chances to fly on different airlineRead more...
No more for me
Reviewed Emirates
What I am going to say, may be most of you reading this may not like it. But hey mouth shut is a place where one can express his views frankly. Anyways comingRead more...
Great Airline
Reviewed Sri Lankan Airlines
I flew Chennai to Kuala Lumpur by Sri Lankan via Colombo. I was apprehensive about Sri Lankan because of Mr. Ajay’s Comments. But after traveling with tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on divakargokhale's review
Couldn't have said it better myself. Nice Fazlu
Like I said, there are somethings that the airlines are not responsible for directly. Sometimes the passengers tend to bring in cabin baggages that seem to be appropriate but are in fact not. Then Again, the responsibility is the passengers' not the airlines as especially on some sectors, they reall Read More...
Your comments surprise me Mr. Divakargokhale. As such your review is oozing with negativity. While I understand that your experience 'could' have been a true one, the fact that you had to call your fellow passengers lowe r to your seemingly high status makes your review pretty 'unbelievable'. I hav Read More...
Commented on milinddesai's review
You call this a review? Well to other readers who are mulling over whether to fly MAS or not - relax! Chances are good that this review is a hoax. You don't have to take my word for MAS credibility, but don't take his either. To the reviewer : Think you have a nice review do you? You need some clas Read More...
Commented on own review
To say I 'enjoyed' the flight would be a compliment! I mean I usually like flying, but this time it wasn't since I was leaving everything behind. It was OK though, I miss Asian hospitality! Thanks again, Faz
They are not worse, just expect to get treated to just the amount you pay em! Thanks anyways, Faz
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Madhushree has a really sweet voice but she is not the one for Tamil songs.
Commented on imran's review
My father always used to say, The tension between Pak and India was due to politics and never due to the people. But he also said that there are a few quirks in both countries that fuel this insanity. Well coming to your review Imran (if that is your real name too) I think it is a fake. Though Ai Read More...
Commented on arunsfo's review
Contrary to what Mr. Balaji thinks, I can understand and (regretfully) believe arun's complaint and oh! for people thinking about complaining ! Forget it , don't waste your time
Commented on saigunturi's review
LOLZ Way to go man! Was laughing like there was no tomorrow!
Commented on Amit_relia's review
You know after reading your comments I really feel sorry for you, and to think that you paid EXTRA for it, I would be pissed royally . Next time, be smart and try British Airways, Emirates or Sri Lankan.
Commented on sainath's review
Hey Sai. I know everyone says this, but still here I go - THE REVIEW WAS AWESOME. And especially the song Hum Hain iss pal mein - Such an awesome track, with the heartbeat sounds, and birds. Just awesome - this is one of the tracks that instantly grows on you! Regards Faz
Commented on shiawase's review
I RESPECT your opinion, but I stand back when it comes to agreeing. As for we Indians 'nowadays' complaining - thats actually nothing new. We have always complained. We have always been jealous. Its in our blood system. The Incident that u experienced is a very unfortunate one, but knowing MAS, if y Read More...
Commented on tmohan26's review
I like your detailed revu. But I have to say very very frankly that I do not agree with most parts of your revu. Foremost, the crew are nowhere near 'freindly'. They must be one of the airlines that have the 'all-hide-passengers -are -coming' policy!!!! Apart from the hostess who says 'namaskaar' at Read More...
Commented on sandyonmusic's review
Yes - I feel this is a classy album too, But you know what? Chill !!!! We can almost see you fluttering like a hummingbird! Anywayz - take care!
Commented on ansartamil's review
Nice review . I have to agree that the incorporation of the kids voices are kinda cute!;)
Rama, when did I say I did not like Trichy?! No seriously, I read your comment over five times to just understand what u were saying, but I still do not get what you are trying to say. Perhaps the incident where Trichy sank to its lowest was where they singled out on my mom because she was w Read More...
Hi Keerti. Well this was just a review. I have actually come across people say Indian Airlines is awesome. Well! I really do not know, but so many times on an Airline and unsatisfactory service each and every time just does not look like a co incidence to me! As for Etihad - Forget em. Tried it o Read More...
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