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Member Since:Apr 15, 2004
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dgdfdf. dggfgdf
About Me
Education: MBA
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Suzuki Swift to be launched soon....
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
The Swift is going to be one of the most intriguing small new cars in India for some time. The Swift would compete with cars on a global level. it has a strikRead more...
Popcorn Khao Frustate ho jao
Reviewed Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao
It took me a split second to decide when choosing between Dhoom and Popcorn Khao....and I am still repenting my decision. The title, the promos on TV etc madeRead more...
All-New Esteem
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Esteem
Marutis all-new Esteem as they call it, has really improved upon its old and boring looks. Now it is really good looking and combined with its price tagRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on droopy's review
Rated on pulsarian's review
Rated on dig_down_deep's review
Commented on dig_down_deep's review
Great review. Keep it up. Alas...there are fans of AB (both) who speak up. Dr Shafique, with all due respect, I could not understand your NU rating. Your logic seems biased..and to top it all you were all the praise for Kamini's review. I would like to know what didnt you like in this review.
Rated on kamini's review
Commented on kamini's review
I think you have written all trash to attract attention. Smart thinking. But still, whatever you have said about Amitabh (Go to an old age Ashram and all) is NOT AT ALL acceptable. Overall, the review written in bad taste and try thinking of something better to get famous.
Rated on open_source's review
Commented on zidaneisgod's review
best indian auto site that i have come across. well written review.
Rated on abhirath_sci5's review
Rated on ozshiva's review
Commented on akash_420's review
Swift has the wider tyres among the whole Maruti range and when compared to Getz...they are definitely wider.. Swift has 165/80 R14 whereas Getz comes with 155/80 R13 (comparing the base models)
Commented on mariner2's review
Great review indeed. I could not stop smiling to myself. Keep writing. Answering Muni on the thin tyre issue, Swift has the wider tyres among the whole Maruti range and when compared to Getz...they are definitely wider.. Swift has 165/80 R14 whereas Getz comes with 155/80 R13 (comparing the base Read More...
Rated on mariner2's review
Rated on dtalvar's review
Commented on dtalvar's review
To answer you, PRAD1980...Swift was launched on 25th May. I was finally able to get a test drive at my local dealer. All points are positive, except mileage. No one was able to give a satisfactory answer about it...lets wait and see.
Rated on himanshugoswami's review
Commented on himanshugoswami's review
Pricewise, Swift LXi is comparable with Santro XG (although Swift LXi has many more features) Swift Lxi - 3.87 lakhs Santro XG - 3.84 lakhs Swift Vxi - 4.05 lakhs Santro XS - 4.06 lakhs (Prices - Ex showroom Delhi..taken from th individual websites of Swift and Santro.) I think Swift Read More...
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