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Member Since:Jan 25, 2008
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Education: MBA/PGDM
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Overall - Good experience
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
I have been using Tikonas Wireless broadband services from last 4 months. Got connection within 3 days. The plans of this company are just amazing. TheRead more...
Reviewed ABC Broadband
I have been using ABC Broadbands Wireless broadband services from last 4 months. Got connection within 3 days. The plans of this company are just amazinRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on abhijitsaikia.247's review
Commented on abhijitsaikia.247's review
CC mite be a problem but they are helpful... I got a demo and almost similar speed which was experienced in demo...
Rated on futureloginn's review
Commented on futureloginn's review
I dont get any idea why this review should be useful to any new braodband buyer... i doesnot provide why this guy is facing problem... i totally agree with vijay
Commented on gedampm's review
you can see a demo before installation... i did it...
Commented on reachballu's review
Have you opted for all home solution. In that you can access multiple pcs/laptops. You need to check with nodal officer of your area. Details available on website...
Rated on reachballu's review
Commented on mihirpanse's review
Hi, 290 kbps speed is better. I use to get 100 kbps in airtel's 512 kbps unlimited plan. It was really pathetic and so painful to connect thru airtel. believe me dude u are better off.
livehappy, you need to be aware about licensing procedure before commenting... whne license is required for which type of specturm... if u see TRAI's performance report Tikona can be seen in broadband perofmrance section. without license trai wud have not included in their report. so be informed bef Read More...
Commented on doctorpravin's review
U may contact their nodal officer. He will e able to help, surely.
Commented on vishal.gpt's review
Rated on GMKumar's review
Commented on GMKumar's review
Commented on arvind7069's review
U should have spoken to nodal officer about it. The details are available on their website under contact us section.
Rated on arvind7069's review
Commented on kanreddyjp's review
I agree with you but to a certain extent. Installation is really very fast if it is feasible to provide connection. Not like BSNL/MTNL who take ages to give a wireline connection. However, I disagree with low speed and delay in plan change. My experience with CC has been ok ok. I too got my plan shi Read More...
Rated on kanreddyjp's review
Rated on aashishbhargav's review
Commented on aashishbhargav's review
May be you would have shifted the position of your modem. Keep it near the window to get stronger connectivity.
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