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Member Since:Dec 23, 2008
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Big TV – Lots of hardware problems!
Reviewed Big TV
I am a very disappointed client of Big tv. I purchased BIG TV DTH package few months ago, thinking that this will deliver us from the “goonda” cablewalas who Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on heartlite's review
I disagree with you. I have Tata Sky and have friends who have used it too. Installation usually takes place pretty quickly within a day or two. About your point for selection individual channels, NO DTH PROVIDER HAS THIS SERVICE. Get your facts right. Tata Sky is far better than other DTH services. Read More...
Commented on Gauri407's review
I have been using tatasky and think its very good. I also did not have any issues as you have raised. It must have happened due to some mistake.
Commented on vikas_rane's review
I wonder if you still feel that Big TV is as good. I am sure you must have had very very bad experiences with their crap hardware as well as cs. Big tv is a very bad service. I think u are the only one with a positive view. I would recommend that you run away from it as fast as you can!
Followed zeniawadia
Rated on naveenkumar.r's review
Commented on naveenkumar.r's review
I dont know why have you written this review. Most people agree that Tata Sky has very good service and quality. Check out the reviews for Dish Tv and Big Tv to see what people say. In all DTH services, Tata Sky is the best.
Commented on NomadicRider's review
Dorabjee's is THE place to eat Parsi food in pune. U must try Dhansak too. It is excellent!
Commented on kitkat_2000's review
Yes, I like manchurian the most over there. Their soups are quiet good too. Do try those!
Commented on a.nana's review
Good u excaped! Lucky guy! The Reliance STB is one big piece of junk. It heats up. But thats not the only problem. It also hangs when u change channels. Very bad!
Commented on kirki28's review
Yes, ambanis have become rich by pinching pennies and taking money from here and there. Big tv is a prime example of that. Problem ho to BIG ho!
Commented on br_raman's review
I am not surprised by this. I too am frustrated with calling them again, and again and again. It is as if you have nothing else to do. It is terrible.
Once upon a time, I too was very happy and content as you, but sadly my experience turned into a nightmare . Now, I think the quality is exceptionally bad and hardware like remote and STB is like 'china ka maal'. I have learnt to stay away from Reliance. I hope your good experience lasts for long.
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