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Member Since:Dec 19, 2008
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Tata Sky DTH - Excellent Quality and Good Service
Reviewed Tata Play
I have been using the Tata Sky DTH for some time now. My experience with Tata Sky has been very good. It all began when we first bought the service. What geneRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rampaps's review
I haven't had this problem. But if you are having this issue, I suggest you contact TS customer services. Also, when you do so, don't forget to take down the name and time of contact. This will help you if any problem arises. But I don't forsee this, as Tata Sky's customer services are among the bes Read More...
Commented on ganeshgayathri's review
I think there can be no comparison between Tata Sky and cable. Cable operators are notorious for their arm twisting ways. Plus, the signal and picture quality is very bad. Anyone can clearly see the difference. On other hand, Tata Sky is a premier DTH operator. Their quality and services are far far Read More...
Commented on Voyager2015's review
I think you should get in touch with TS people again and try to find the culprit. I think they too will be interesting in finding the culprit. the suggestion of purnendubagchi above seems very good.
This is a very serious matter. You claim that someone came to your place and took money from you. I think you should have checked the person's ID as well as the receipt which they gave you. As far as I know, Tata Sky has ISO 27001:2005 Certification which is an internationally-recognized accreditati Read More...
Commented on aksji's review
I too have heard about some delay. From what I have heard, that's because they have received and overwhelming response and it is selling very fast. Plus there is a BIG rush to buy Tata Sky plus before the offer ends. This is causing some issues in delivery and installation. But I do suggest that you Read More...
Commented on kingeddy's review
I don't think Tata Sky Plus is costly. It is a premium product with premium service. Have you even used Tata Sky Plus? It is simply great. You can record , pause and rewind tv. I have recorded so many of my fav shows. Use it first, and I bet you will never complain. It is just EXCELLENT! I do unders Read More...
Rated on sumit.taisei's review
Commented on sumit.taisei's review
I personally think thise reviw is not genuine at all. Everything has been written in a vague manner. About contact number, it can happen once or twice but not every time. Second, about channels with bad reception. You have not specified any channel. Also, all DTH providers ask for visiting charges. Read More...
Commented on unmeshm's review
Think about it in a very logical way. You pay for one month. Right? So why do you want to drop it before a month ends, dear? .It is YOUR money so its really imp that you are able get value for money. What is the point if you pay for a month and then drop if after say 5 days? This scheme if beneficia Read More...
Commented on lokeshtatasky's review
In Dish TV , while you do have more channels in the base pack, they are Zee channels which I don’t think are that popular. I will not debate about the Dish TV vs Tata Sky pricing. We have to look at each service on its merits. Tata Sky may appeal to some while Dish Tv may appeal to others.
Commented on kabir_khanna's review
I agree with atulan, its the same with most companies. I wouldn't blame ts alone.
Commented on bluehive's review
I too like TS. My exp with it has been good to. Infact, i think CC of TS is better than that of many other companies. Don't know why you had a bad exp. Maybe due to individual incompetence? Don't know :)
Commented on pranjalc's review
It is a very fair and balanced review. Keep up the good work! The Tata Sky quality and customer services is very good. Even the channels and packs have improved. I agree with your contention that Zee channels are less but I am skeptical about their popularity. apart from that, if give your review as Read More...
Rated on pranjalc's review
Commented on aruntidke's review
It is very unfortunate that you have had this experience. I am sure its a one-off thing. I suggest that you use TS for some time and experience it. I am sure you will change your opinion then. Its really nice thing to have!
Rated on Gauri407's review
Commented on Gauri407's review
I don't trust this review at all. First, about customer service, I have called Tata sky customer service so many times. Its never more that couple of minutes, even in the peak time. Also, those people are the most helpful I have met. All the information is there on the website. It is very misleading Read More...
Commented on nidaelahi's review
I have to say that your review is extremely well written. As you can see, there are black sheep in every company. I am happy that you didn't allow one fella to spoil your experience. I am sure you will enjoy Tata Sky. I personally feel, it is far better than cable.
Commented on shajufx's review
I think it is a very well written and balanced review. There are some people who deliberately want to write bad things about Tata Sky. Just go on reviews for other DTH providers and see. Tata Sky is the best compared to other service providers, in terms of its quality and service. You pay more but y Read More...
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
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