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Member Since:May 01, 2003
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: IIT Bombay, B Tech - CS
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I had to sleep hungry these people didn't deliver
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Gachibowli - Hyderabad
» Customer Name: Sandeep Srivastava » Customer Address: , HYDERABAD » Store Details: Gachi Bowli, Ground Floor, Plot-78, Gacchi Bowli, Seri LingampallimaRead more...
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
I am not the kind of person, who would generally pen down his views like this, unless pissed off really. Ive been a reliance customer for 5 months now (Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Rajesh00's review
@rajesh00 seems you exist for real so I take my word back :). Just that I’ve not had any negative experience with PepperFry in spite of placing orders worth 4 Lakhs from the site so I find it hard to believe your / others reviews. It could be good luck or it could be something else. I am not sure wh Read More...
Rated on banpreet_kaur's review
Commented on banpreet_kaur's review
Hard for me to believe that someone could be satisfied with CV's service.. grahaseva and akosha.com is full of negative reviews
Commented on RM28's review
@rm28 If you were intelligent you would’ve got your refund by now. I myself would’ve suggested 1001 ways to get justice as a consumer, but it seems that you should at best be ignored for your nonsensical behaviour and abusive mannerism. My advise to you is to learn internet etiquettes before you go Read More...
Rated on Rajesh00's review
Rated on AMP4's review
Empathize with you on your negative experience, let me know if you need any help. I placed orders worth Lakhs with PepperFry without an iota of a negative experience.
Rated on RM28's review
Pepperfry is a upcoming startup I would expect it to have some teething issues while its scaling up. Keep patience and work with the ecommerce site to see if they can alleviate your negative experience.
Commented on snapeed's review
This is my old profile using which I've reviewed a number of enterprise for offering sad / good services. Since I could not link this profile with my facebook profile I had to post the review using a new profile name snapeed. Thanks, Sandeep
Rated on vishalpatil23's review
Commented on vishalpatil23's review
Language is not clear.
Commented on bhuppik's review
which dealer are you talking about here?
Commented on ECLS's review
I wholeheartedly agree to this review, I've been a victim myself twice. I was billed for someone else's usage in the first instance. On the second instance I was billed for data when in realty they could not / did not enable the data on my celphone.
Rated on mhl94's review
Commented on johnjacky's review
eureka forbes is an amazing brand continues to survive inspite of cheating its customers, someone needs to take it to the consumer court.
Rated on induriprakash's review
Rated on navinb9's review
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