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Member Since:Jan 17, 2007
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Do not buy anything from Connect India
Reviewed Connectindia
Do not buy anything from Connect India. Connect India should stop cheating prospects by offering free holiday vouchers. I bought Reliance Data card. At that Read more...
Honda Activa - Exploiting the Customers!!!
Reviewed Honda Activa
Never Ever in Your Life go to Honda Activa Showroom in Deonar This is the story of Honda Activa employees who enjoy their work by "not providing service to tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sonal_neo's review
I have never watched the show but I think I should try it for one time... Really appreciate your comments.......'A show such as this, needs to talk responsibly about the physical and psychological troubles one faces because of obesity. It needs to treat the issue with sensitivity. ' :-)
Rated on sonal_neo's review
Rated on neeleshb's review
Commented on puneetbin's review
Why are you suffering...make them suffer... You might be having the invoice with you that might have mentioned the delivery date (say 15 days waiting)...Talk to the owner of the if the owner of the shop from where you had purchased the Kinetic and get it cancelled. I had done this once with Honda Read More...
Commented on ananyabg's review
I had an experience in which inspite of paying the full amount I was not getting the product in my hand for over 1 1/2 month...so I did one thing wrote a mail to them with a CC to all the possible newspapaers in India....... So whatever communication was happening between me and thier Customer Ca Read More...
Rated on xsupratim's review
Commented on ninadpatil78's review
Points need to be noted... When was the survey taken? Who was involved in the survey? What is the authencity of the survey taken? Is Airtel bluffing?....May be Yes... Whyyou are taking tension....write a mail to their highest authority possible and let their subordinates take the tension of Read More...
Commented on rnarayanan853790's review
Hey Buddy, I really appreciate the feedback that you have given, but how many times have you travelled from your base location? These Hutch guys will screw ur brains out while responding to your queries.... In Delhi when I told my Hutch # (which is of Mumbai) they were not willing to accept it as t Read More...
Rated on chennaibanker's review
Rated on vikrantr's review
Rated on checkman's review
Rated on kunal599's review
Rated on manasrb's review
Commented on anmol88's review
Hey Buddy, I could empathize the frustration you are facing... I had to deal with similar frustration with Videocon Washing Machine... We had purchased Newly introduced 7.5 Kg Videocon Washing M/C few yrs back...the contro panel Konked off 2 times... Since there was not much sale of that m Read More...
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Rated on lachdagan's review
Rated on amateurabe's review
Rated on eagleeye17's review
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