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Member Since:Jul 24, 2005
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Education: Post Graduate
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Value for money- for Amateurs
Reviewed Kodak Easyshare z812 IS
Bought the Camera a month back, and have used it extensively both in CIty and Nature photography on weekend trips. Considerations - Have a good roll camera Read more...
So far so good - Pureit Water purifier
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
Our household generally got very clean and clear water, and thus a water filter was enough all these years, however there was a sudden muddy tinge in the wateRead more...
Great buy - sony ericsson w700i
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W700i
Ok, after a whole lot of deliberations I did get myself a SEw700i, been using it for more than 2 months now, and so writing this review…..abrief background, IRead more...
ICICI Car Loan & Maruti- NO Hassle
Reviewed Tips on Auto Loans
I was buying a Maruti Zen from Vipul Motors, Gurgaon and was planning to pay the entire amount upfront as cash, However the dealer offeredme an interest free Read more...
Great means to kill your time- The Killer
Reviewed The Killer
Plot and Overall: First things first, even though the movie is a straight liftfrom ‘Collateral’ the Hollywood movie starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx, -- foRead more...
Only for Air Ticket Auctions
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
This review is only forthe air ticket auctions on the Indiatimes website. I have written anotherdetailed review for the other electronics auctions. I have woRead more...
Tell your price, and guess your luck
Reviewed Tellyourpricediatimes
OK, frankly I have bought a lot of stuff from Indiatimes, May be more than 80000 worth of it, including white goods and airline tickets, and here is what I feRead more...
Zip with the Zen
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen - Petrol
For the last 4 years,I own a Zen LX Model which I had bought in Nov 2002, and trust me, its is the best buy I had. I was planning on a Palio then, and had alsRead more...
A lot like ''When Harry met Sally''
Reviewed A Lot Like Love
So here s another of those hollywood movies trying to bring out the feeling of longingness and romance and love in the viewers, yet fails badly simply put itRead more...
''Usual suspects'' at ripping hollywood movies
Reviewed Chocolate - Bollywood
Ok, I watched the movie simply coz I wanted to see how well has vivek agnihotri copied the original The usual Suspects.......and man , the Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
The best the dealer was offering me was a 1500 ka additional discount(Zen was a best selling car at that time), Surely ICICI is not going to do any charity to me, and it has made moeny on the deal, but i m least concerned as to how they make money as long as i m getting a decent deal myself.... i ha Read More...
Commented on ashutosh19's review
i got this phone some time back, there is a trouble, I have GPRS enabled on the phone , however if try to access any websites (wap enabled) or try the sony erricsson links on the default menu, i get an error saying ' there is something wrong with the settings' i m using Hutch in delhi, and all these Read More...
Commented on soma_bhalla's review
Had a similar problem with LG A/C I had bought, I had to mail them from the fedback link that i am not going to shop from them anymore, They sent me an Indiatimes bill with in a week , stamped and all, it was from Indiatimes and not LG, However with the other products9 Philips TV and Godrej Washing Read More...
Commented on kandu's review
the sol,ution lies in taking the case to the banking ombudsman, I had similar trouble with Stan Chart where they would not cancel my card despite various reminders and I had to go to the ombudsman. Alternately you could approach your distrcit consumer forum, where your plight would be catered to fre Read More...
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