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Member Since:May 23, 2001
0 MS Points
Hi, my name's Tom and i'm trying to raise money to go on a ski trip. Good luck everyone and happy mouthshutting. ps. read and rate my reviews and i'll happily read and rate yours.
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Reviewed Alladvantage
When AllAdvantage (or AA as members knew it), it was the first of its kind and was all the web was talking about. They offered a great payout rate of $0.50 anRead more...
Great Roar!
Reviewed Uproar
Uproar is another one of those gaming websites that give out prizes in return for your online time. Uproar is indeed the best, and it was the first, founded iRead more...
Mmmmmmm.............Apple Pie!
Reviewed American Pie
American pie was THE teen flick of the last decade. Never before have we seen 4 typical, American, teenage boys so eager for sex that you can actually make anRead more...
PS2 is 4U!
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
Is the Playstation 2 really worth it? There are many opinions out there regarding this latest attempt to corner the market by the all-powerful Sony. Some fanRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on milinddesai's review
Followed wulise , rosie6349
Rated on wulise's review
Rated on ruchika_sri's review
Rated on rosie6349's review
Rated on niclemamy's review
Rated on LPringle01's review
Rated on jimmy571's review
Rated on RedHead's review
Rated on mtomat's review
Commented on mtomat's review
after reading your op i decided to make it better you should include more information and make it longer with good grammar/punctuation. Then more people will find it easier to read thus giving you a higher rating.
Commented on iloveliverpool's review
just to say thx for the good op, renting the film tonight!
Rated on iloveliverpool's review
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